Tuesday, February 2, 2010

There was once an enormous saddle bred horse named Shamrock Magic Shamrock was called Joker at his owner’s barn because he always loved pulling pranks on his smaller horse friends. Like one time when he filled Triskle’s water with cheese, Triskle’s least favorite food. Joker loved his owner Kristine very much though. Both would race the vary wind as they galloped over the hills filled with monkey grass.

Joker was beautiful, he had a long flowing jet black mane that glistened like the midnight sky. And his deep brown eyes. His coat was solid black and his hoofs were the same. He stood much taller than a normal horse should, an astonishing 30 hands!(that’s about 10.5 feet at the shoulder) His speed was just as amazing as his height and could run six times faster than his friend the turtle cheetah. He could jump over 18 foot tall fences and leap over raging streams.

But he was not gallant. Not one bit. Because one day Kristine and Joker were faced to go and face off the evil oompa loompas that abused Joker as a foal. The oompas were led by a sinister ruler, Queen Cheese Louise, she was cruel and abusive to everything known to man. So Joker and Kristine led their own army of horses and their ace riders. It was a brutal day. As the morning dawned the horses swiftly galloped up the hill to the Queen’s mighty gumball castle, and stopped. Soon they heard the loud thuds of the oompa loompas’s feet and they looked up. There about a half mile away was the oompa loompas and their Queen each one riding a three eyed four brained fish. Joker reared and pawed the air with his enormous hoofs, then let out a thunderous grunt as he and Kristine charged at the oompa loompas. While Joker’s friends went for the oompa loompas Joker and Kristine bolted straight for the queen to finally put an end to her abuse. And with one blow from Joker’s hoofs she was knocked to the ground. Reacting fast Joker reared again and killed the queen. The night started to fall and the horses had won and were heading back all of them exhausted.

About half way back to the barn joker jolted his massive black head to the left. Then out of nowhere Joker shot forward into a wild gallop. Kristine buried her hands in Joker’s mane and leaned forward onto his withers, she did this because she trusted her steed with her life. Now pitch black out Joker finally stopped galloping, and came to a screeching halt. They had traveled a 20 miles when he had stopped. Kristine breathless and fingers tense dismounted with her horse right behind her. They walked a bit further when the oompa loompas’s cousin the loompa oompas tried to ambush them, but Joker like all horses could see in the dark and then defeated them. So then they raced to the barn to meet the others.

When they arrived back at the barn all of the horses were crowded around something glowing. Then the horses parted to reveal what was glowing. A pearly white unicorn named Clemence was standing in the middle of the isle. Joker craned his neck in sheer surprise of the rare sight. Then she spoke to him and Kristine and told them that she had watched the battle against the oompa loompas and wanted to thank them for their extreme bravery in battle. She rewarded them by making them immortal and put a picture of them in the sky as a constellation perusing the queen for the rest of time you can still see them on clear nights, they are right behind Cassiopeia and above Pisces.


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