Monday, February 1, 2010

Karissa S.

"Illinois Student Chapter of the American Society of Laboratory Animal Practitioners, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign College of Veterinary Medicine." Welcome to the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Illinois. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Feb. 2010.
This constellation is a constellation of a cat. This constellation was named after the Greek god Cat. Cat was the most royal cat in all the world, and had many brothers and sisters. This is the reason that there are eight stars forming the constellation is because the cat had eight brothers and sisters. His brothers and sisters had always been very jealous of him because he was great and all of the other cats liked him more than his other siblings.

Cat had one adopted family member. This family members name was Alfred Godson. Alfred had always been jealous of Cat and had always felt like he wasn’t as important as Cat because he always had more friends. War came out between Cat and Alfred and Alfred eventually ran away because he was so sick of all the attention that Cat was getting and that he wasn’t getting any attention. This made Cat very happy, now it was just him and the rest of his Cat family. Cat didn’t know that his everyone except for his mom and dad and the other adults in his family hated him. When his brothers and sisters found out that Alfred was leaving to go find a way to get rid of Alfred. Forever. All the cat brothers and sisters liked the idea of their brother being gone for good so they left to go “spend some bonding time with their adopted brother”. Now Cat was extremely happy he had his mom and dad all to himself! After a couple months they all came back and were ready to kill him. Their plan worked and he was dead.

Alfred had always thought that his family didn’t love him or like him as much as his other brothers and sisters, but now that he had killed their favorite son they were very upset. Although they really didn’t want to do this it was a law in their nation that if you kill your brother or sister, you must then be killed by your parent. So Alfred was killed. Alfred and Cat were now both Constellations and Stars in the night sky. Alfred and Cat will continue fighting on through the end of time and will never get along.

Story’s say that Alfred had always wanted to be a huge superhero and had always wanted to be something great. So when he died he had the choice of being anything, or any shape that he wanted to be. Alfred chose to be a bat. A bat to him was a strong animal, that was also very tricky, because he will attack his enemies and the other people he is mad at at night.

The star that is on the bottom towards the chin is a scar of the first fight that he and Alfred go into. The second brightest star that is located up by his ear, is where he got killed by Alfred. Alfred took a sword stabbed it through his ear and it then went into his brain, killing Cat. These two will be at war forever, and will always be fighting.


  1. I liked karissa's story because it was very creative and a desent size plus i like cat's and that story reminds me of one of my favorite movies....she did a very nice job:)

  2. I also liked it. It was very interesting.

  3. I liked your story because it was very creative.

  4. creative....u like cats dont you..

  5. This story is creative, and it was fun to read. It doesn't go into much detail but i still liked it. nice job.
