Monday, February 1, 2010

Cassidy Doome

True love is a strong thing that some say can never be broken, never be ruined no matter what happens. A true love is someone that can’t ever be replaced, as you look to the stars you see the great smiley face proves this with a story.There was a young girl, named Sarah, who was a great actress with a bright future ahead of her , she met a boy, Jason who little did she know was going to change her life. They became close friend and soon a couple, with every day they grew closer.

Sarah was a sweet girl who was always thinking about what would happen next and Jason was always living in the moment not really looking forward or back, they both had different looks about things but that never came between them. Jason with his basket ball and Sarah with her acting they both seemed to have a bright future ahead of them. Everything was going great they both of them and but tragedy struck when one day Sarah was diagnosed with cancer.

They were both in shocked all Jason could think about was how he couldn’t live without Sarah and right then he made a promise that he would be with her through everything, every surgery, or transplants, he would be there for her and he didn’t break to her ever. It wasn’t easy for earthier of them and Jason ended up quitting basketball, looking forward was becoming more popular to him as he couldn’t stand the thought of living without her. He went to college and became a business man.

After a little over two years had passed Sarah had became cancer free. That year was the best year of Sarah life Jason and Sarah got married and moved to new York, Sarah got a acting job and was following her dream. She became very known in new York and when she thought that everything was going up her cancer came back this time it was worse much worse. The same fear that was in Jason head before had came back and this time he knew that it wouldn’t end well.

They both knew that the end was coming and all Sarah wanted to do was live the last part of her life with the one she loved. Now that she practically lived at the hospital so did Jason, they would always try to look on the bright side of things but that side was getting pretty hard to find being only 24 and dieting there was almost nothing good. And one day as they were sitting together Sarah told Jason that they end was there and that she didn’t think she would live throughout the night. Write before she fell asleep she told Jason : I want you to do one thing for me every night look to the sky you will see a smiley face that is me looking down on your loving you forever. As the morning came Sarah was right she had died during the middle of the night. Still to this day when he looks to the stars he thinks about the true love that can never be replaced and to this day he still loves her the way he did the day she died.

"PlaneBuzz." PlaneBuzz. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Feb. 2010. .


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. No she did not deserve to get cancer. Why would she deserve to get cancer. I liked how everything ended up good at the end even though she died.

  3. Joe you’re so mean. In your story, when you first said she got cancer, I was in shock. I was sad. Then as the story went on she was doing good, and she was then cancer free. At that point I was happy, until you said she got cancer again, and it was worse than before. I was really really sad. In your paragraphs, your characters seem sincere, and maybe next time you should proof read. Just a thought. Good job with your story.

  4. I really liked your story. It was very good! Just like Ashley though it was sad when Sarah got caner again. I would not want to be in that situation.

  5. Your story was pretty deep. Overall it was a good story.


  6. This story was really good! Although it was sad, im glad there was an happy ending. I would hate to be in that kind of situation.

  7. Awww!! This story is so sad, even though he knows that she'll always love him. I really liked how you made this a love story even though you don't like love. ;)
