Monday, February 1, 2010

Collin H.

Josh Smith has to be the most famous constellation ever to be found in the night sky. He is so easy to pick out since all of his stars that make him up are the brightest in the universe. Josh Smith is made of these stars to show how he reigns over all the NBA clusters. The stars that consist of him include Kobe, Lebron, Dwayne, Steve, Kevin the brightest stars in the NBA cluster.

Josh Smith can only be seen on clear nights with no cloud coverage. It is seen from our area in the Spring and Summer seasons. You can pick it out of the sky very easily since it is made up out of the brightest stars in the NBA cluster of stars.. You must first find Lebron, Then look to the right and see Dwayne and the other three stars are very near. The five stars that make up Josh Smith include Kevin, Dwayne, Steve, Kobe, and Lebron. These are the brightest stars in the entire NBA cluster that ultimately make up Josh Smith the god of the cluster.

There are many myths that go along with the Josh Smith constellation, but the most famous myth is the myth of the NBA championship run. Josh Smith and his team of the Atlanta Hawks were having a great season. At the end of the regular season they came in third in the Eastern Conference. This was a great spot for Josh’s team considering no one thought they would make the playoffs so they were a huge Cinderella story. Their first opponent was the Boston Celtics. They were very tough having the big three on their team. Their main threat is Kevin Garnett. He is a beast in the post. Before the first game Josh Smith made a speech that would be remembered forever. He said that no matter what happens tonight or the other possible seven games in the series I am so proud of this team and would never trade this season for anything. With that speech in their mind they went out and played their best game ever. Dropping 127 points on the number 1 defense in the league and holding them to only 90 points. They went on to smoke the Celtics the rest of the series sweeping them in four straight blow outs.

They next opponent on Josh Smiths’ calendar was the Miami Heat. The Heat were picked to win the NBA championship this year because they had a star guard named Dwayne Wade. Wade led the league in scoring and total assists, beating out Steve Nash for the best guard in the league award. Dwayne had a great supporting cast which included young players like Mario Chalmers and Michael Beasley. They were tough but Josh Smith knew their weakness and he knew how to exploit it at will. The first game was played in Miami so they hopped on the team plane and flew down to South Beach for a day. In the locker room Josh gave another amazing speech which sparked life into his already unconfident team. The Hawks came out hot scoring 20 unanswered points and looked like another win was in the bag. But no one in the building thought Wade would be able to answer the unstoppable beast within Josh Smith. Dwayne dropped 35 in 2 quarters crippling the Hawks defense from within. Driving, shooting, passing he was just unstoppable. The score was now 99-100 with the Hawks in the lead by only 1 with just 1 minute left in the game. Joe Johnson for the Hawks was bring the ball up the court trying to waste the twenty four seconds on the shot clock. He passed to Josh Smith who then drove the lane but DWAYNE stole it from him on his crossover Dwayne was running down the court with only 5 seconds left only down by 1. He was so close to his layup but out of nowhere Josh Smith came from behind and snatched the ball right out of the air just as the buzzer sounded. IT WAS AN AMAZING VICTORY FOR THE HAWKS no one thought they could pull it off but they did and they shocked the world that night. The Hawks went on to beat the Heat in 6 games pulling off a buzzer beater by Josh to win game six and take the series home back to Atlanta.

On the schedule next was the was the Cleveland Cavaliers with Lebron James the leader of the Eastern Conference scoring. He averaged 45 points per game. This was an amazing feat and he was having an all star season. The only problem with the Cavaliers was that it was only Lebron and no one else on their team could even make it to ten points per game. Josh Smith knew that Lebron would put up a huge fight to get to the Championship because all he was missing was a championship ring. But Lebron would not look ahead as he had to get past a hot Atlanta team in the Eastern Conference finals coming off a great series against the Heat. Since the Hawks were a higher seed they would get to play the first two games in the series at home. This was a huge advantage as the hawks had the largest fan support with over 50,000 people a night. The place got so loud when they were home. So you knew it was going to be a huge advantage. The day of the game Josh Smith made a change with his speech he didn’t just say how proud he was of his team he said he was proud of how much they worked hard and how they never gave up through this whole season and that he knew they could go out and beat the Cavaliers if they all worked together. Their team was pumped now and went out and won the series in four. All that they had to do to win was take out Lebron and they did just that. He only averaged 20 points a game in the series and the rest of the team couldn’t pick up the slack for him. The Hawks were so excited as they were going to the NBA championship to take on the Lakers.

The Lakers were the toughest team in the whole NBA they had the best record at 72-9 against the Hawks record of 57-24. All the sports casters were picking the Lakers in a landslide because they had the best guard in the game with Kobe Bryant. Kobe was near unstoppable. He only averaged 30 points per game but he also averaged 9 assists per game getting up there with some of the best point guards. Kobe was very cocky. He kept telling everyone that they would win the series in four games with him racking in eighty one points in the first game. This only added motivation to the underdog Hawks who were just waiting to get a crack at them. Josh Smith made sure to touch on that in the locker room before the first game. The first game was epic with both teams hitting their shots in the first quarter. The score after the first quarter 20-22 Hawks by two. Kobe was ticked all he had scored was 10 points way off his promise of eighty one points. Josh Smith made a promise to his team that he would take out Kobe and they needed to help pick up his slack from being guarded by the best defender in Kobe. In the first game Josh held Kobe to only 20 points and 2 assists. Every time he would try to get a fancy pass in BOOM Josh was going the other way. He was a defensive force helping down low to holding Pau Gasol to only 5 points. The Hawks had the momentum now and they went out and won the championship in just five games. And the only reason the Lakers won the fourth game was because Josh Smith got a hip pointer and was not able to play in that game. The HAWKS HAD CREATED THE BEST CINDERELLA STORY EVER TO BE SEEN IN ANY SPORT!!! It was the most amazing year ever by a team with a record below 60 wins ever.

Josh Smith was seen as a hero in the NBA. The NBA gods placed him in the sky and put all the other stars that had fallen to Josh. Including Kobe, Lebron, Kevin, Dwayne, and Steve. They all look up at Josh Smith after his amazing season with the Atlanta Hawks. Every day if you look up you can find him in the sky by looking for the five brightest stars ever. Josh Smith will be forever remembered as an amazing leader, and all around player to ever step on a wood floor.

"" N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Feb. 2010. .


  1. Amazing story collin i like your creativity and josh smith is amazing too Ryan S.

  2. I have to agree with Ryan that Josh Smith is amazing. Your story was good Collin. I liked your creativity and how one star can make a basketball player.
