Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Taylor N.

Once upon a time there a Megan Fox and Beastly One aka Taylor Lautner. All the boys loved Megan Fox she was beautiful with long black locks and beautiful blue eyes. The Beastly one was very hot and had awesome abs, he was very strong but his mind was weak. They both lived in different villages, Megan lived a village called Transformers and Taylor lived in a Village called Twilight Moon. Sadly these villages were complete enemies. Thankfully though Twilight Moon had a lot of allies and were friends with most of the villages but not Transformer. Taylor was very loyal to his village though, but his weak mind caved at the sight of Megan, Megan also liked him so they ended up having a relationship.

Over time the villages started getting suspicious. When finally the day came when Megan’s father discovered what was going on between the two and he went physco. He marched over to the village of Twilight Moon with Megan and went straight to Taylor’s cabin, and shot an arrow in who they thought was Taylor’s back . Taylor entered the cabin to find Megan and her father there and hid nearly dead brother, sadly his brother passed right in front of his eyes. Megan and her father bolted out of the cabin and back to Transformer.

Taylor finally realized that Megan was a traitor as much as he denied it he knew it was true, so it was time for revenge, but before he could suit up and get ready Megan and her whole village came to slaughter all the people of Twilight Moon. Taylor was hurt by Megan’s actions but he was so enraged that those feelings didn’t matter anymore, so he went back to Megan’s village of Transformer, and unleashed on them. He used all the weapons he could carry such as knives, bow and arrow and much more. But when it came to destroying Megan it wasn’t as easy because in the back of his mind he loved her. Although this was happening he used all that sadness and love and transferred it into anger and vengeance and ended up terminating her. Right after he did this he ran up to her and all the love and sadness came back, and he held her in his arms and wept but she wasn’t fully dead she used one of his knives and penetrated with the knife right in the leg and finally died with the knife in her hand.

Taylor yelled from the pain and dropped her he started crawling to try and get back to his village for bandages, he even put pressure and tied a weed above the wound to help stop the bleeding. Despite all his efforts he sadly passed away. In honor of him and for his story to live on there is a constellation called the Beastly one that hangs in the sky for eternity, it’s the initials of his city T.M., his memory will live on forever.


  1. I liked that you used two of the most known people in Hollywood. Nobody could see Megan Fox and Taylor Lautner falling in love, but your story made it seem real. I would have liked to see your constellation, though.

  2. Good story :) I like how you used celebrities that would never have a relationship in a relationship. Good job Taylor :)

  3. ladies i'm sorry Mr. Roehl mad me crop out his abs:(

  4. my constellation got deleted so i have to draw one some other time and then post it up

  5. Nice Job. I liked how you made everything up. Way to be creative.

  6. really nice. you were extremely creative which made it fun to read. and good job and picking the people you did haha.
