Wednesday, February 3, 2010

John Conroy

There are a lot of stars at night time when you look up into the sky. But when you look straight up, above your head, into the stars, you will see something that you will never be able to imagine. You will the something AMAZING. That something is the group of stars called CP3. CP3 owns the place we like to call space and this is the story that tells how he got to own space.

It all started when CP3 was playing basketball, or at least trying to, and his worst enemy came up to him. This was someone who CP3 hated. This person, was Tim Duncan, the most hated person in all of space.
“What are you doing on my grounds brother?” CP3 said.
“Doing what I always do, trying to annoy you” said Tim Duncan
“Brother I will mess up your face if you take on step towards me”.

And on that note, Tim Duncan just bounced away. CP3 knew that these words and these actions would build up a war. The next day, CP3 was at the courts again trying to play basketball, Duncan came back, but this time he had some back up with him. His back up clan was called the San Antonio Spurs.
“See you brought some back up with you this time” said CP3.
“Yeah I did, meet me back here in two hours and we will fight” said Duncan.

CP3 wanted to think of a plan that could stop this evil man. He thought of all sorts of things that people couldn’t even imagine. But he needed a plan that would be a perfect and that nobody could stop. Then he realized that could easily stop Duncan and his army. He could call up one of his Earth buddies. He called only the best available person for this specific job, and that man was no other than The King himself. This man was so special because of course he is a King, but he can do things that people couldn’t imagine a king doing, like flying through the air.

“Hello my fellow friend” said the King.
“Hello brother, what be crackin?” said CP3.
“Oh nothing, but I’m ready to battle, away we go!” said the King.

CP3 collected only the best people for his army. Only the elite people that he had known for awhile. These people had come from a planet called hytophothiops. CP3 met with everyone of his men to discuss the battle plan and situation. CP3 explained how this was a dangerous mission and if anyone wanted to back out, now would be the time. Time had passed and it was time for battle. The two leaders and their army’s met on the middle of the sun. Yeah, I said the sun. The blazing sun was burning the sky up with the bright colors. It was time to battle.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” screamed everybody and the war was off. You might think that people were using guns or some sort of other weapon. Instead they were using weapons called long nose snipers. The best weapon in all of the land. They were a tube that shot out bee bees. Bee bees were flying everywhere. Everyone was down or hurt except for CP3 and Duncan. Duncan went low but CP3 went high and nailed him Duncan right in the head. The battle was over and the galaxy was saved. CP3 saved the one thing he loved and that was his home.

"Position Sports Events." Position Sports, Inc.. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Feb. 2010.


  1. I really liked how you made up and the way you made it up.

  2. I love how you used quotations. It really adds to the affects of the story. (: nice work

  3. Yeah it was pretty cool how creative it was

  4. WHAT BE CRACKIN! its me ryan S. from yo class and chris paul Should be da king not some old bag

  5. I liked this story it was very creative.

  6. You never said where Cp3 is located.

  7. Nice Story. I liked how it was about bball and all the players.


  8. I like how you made up everything...haha wait to be creative.

  9. I liked the fact that you had dialogue, and it was extremely creative. I have to say it wasn't boring at all! nice job john.
