Monday, February 1, 2010

Alex Z.

Nike Constellation

Have you ever looked up into the stars and wondered if you could make anything out of them. Say a warrior or a symbol of some sort. Also, you may wonder what some stars really are. They may appear to be blue or orange or some other color. Then you might wonder why some stars appear to be brighter than others. Well I have, and one night as I was looking up into the stars I noticed something. There were three really bright stars in a triangle. I looked at them for a couple minutes trying to figure out what they could be. Suddenly a figure popped up into my head, a Nike symbol.

I have been tracking my constellation every night to see if the stars move throughout the sky or if they stay in the same spot. I have been recording this for a year in a half, and it appears that you can see the Nike symbol June 3 through August 13. It starts out in the east and moves to the west throughout this period of time. It’s pretty hard to miss due to the three really bright stars. The one star on the right or the tip of the triangle is actually blue. It has a tint of blue to it. So this constellation is actually pretty rare and should be easy to locate.

While thinking of the period that the constellation is in the sky, don’t forget about some of the stars that are in the constellation. As I pointed out before, there are three bright stars in my constellation. If you look closely you will notice that the tip of the Nike symbol looks blue. This is because of the temperature of the star. They rate the stars by their temperature by using letters that indicate how hot or could they are. According to the list, the bluish star is “B”. Which stands for blue-white. The temperature of this star is roughly 6,000 degrees Fahrenheit. This is determined by the relationship between the temperature of a blackbody, and the wavelength of light where its spectrum peaks.

While thinking of the stars in the constellation, don’t forget about the interesting myth that goes a long with it… Along time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away was the all feared Nike weapon. Whoever uses it has the power that can take on the universe. Since this was such a deadly weapon, the penguin tribe had it locked up in a safe from robbers and anyone that might try to destroy the penguin or the universe alone. Of course there are robbers that come often to try to steel this all powerful weapon but have failed every time.

The word spread that this was the key to world domination. Optimist primed hearing this said that there should be no such thing that should be able to accomplish this. So Optimist the mighty that is known for previous rescues set off on a journey to capture this weapon and destroy it forever. The penguin tribe although heard that Optimist was going to destroy their weapon and the whole penguin tribe for keeping this weapon. So the tribe acted quickly for the arrival of Optimist Prime.

Suddenly, the ground started to rumble and then the almighty Optimist Prime was standing in front of their eyes. They all were in awe of his size and his strength. They started launching their marshmallow launchers at him one by one. Optimist saw this and started dodging them all. Knowing that there was nothing more that the tribe could do, Optimist went for the Nike. The penguin unleashed their last weapon, Megatron. While the army started retreating to the Nike Safe Megatron faced Optimist. What Optimist didn’t know was that Megatron had the Nike and the safe was just a decoy. So Megatron had a huge advantage. The fight began with Megatron shooting his rockets at Optimist. Optimist had no problem dodging them. Then Optimist fired his lava at Megatron. Megatron had never seen anything so powerful before. Getting hit with the lava Megatron flew back into the Mountain. Megatron was sick of this and revealed the Nike. Optimist was ready to capture this Nike. Megatron transformed into a jet and flew toward Optimist. Optimist jumped and caught on to Megatron. Megatron transformed back to regular. Optimist was behind Megatron and Megatron had no idea where he was. Optimist was about to finish him off. Optimist Prime was famous for his knife skills. So optimist stabs Megatron through the heart and fires a bullet. Megatron explodes and the Nike was finally Optimist.

The penguins were in the safe now safe as possible. Or that's what they thought. Optimist fires one more bullet to the safe and with the power of the Nike, the safe blew into a million pieces. Optimist destroyed the Nike forever. In remembrance of the Nike, The Gods put the Nike right next to the Optimist Prime constellation. Optimist was rewarded with another transformer, Bumble Bee. Since then people started putting the Nike symbol on shoes, and clothing to resemble power.

The End

• Works Sited
Hasan, Dian. "Fascinating Brand Stories | Nike « IDEAS INSPIRING INNOVATION." IDEAS INSPIRING INNOVATION. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Feb. 2010. .


  1. I liked it. It seams like you really put some time and effort into this

  2. good i like your creativity i like how you used it as a weapon
