Sunday, February 7, 2010


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Once upon a time there was three bright stars in this constellion named Rusfica. Rusfica is seen all day and all night because of how bright these stars are. The stars are so unique that no one in the whole universe has seen these special neon orange stars before like this. But why are they orange? People say it’s because of how hot this constellion is but people don’t know for sure. But another question is why is the constellion named Rusfica?

Long years ago before the dinosaurs, there was the goddess that is very well known now named Rusfica. She cannot be stopped by anyone because of how big and chunky her body is. Many body builders and sumo wrestlers tried to destroy her but fail has occurred upon them. She eats about 100 twinkies every day to get in shape and build more flabs. If someone would come near Rusfica she would eat them into a million reckless pieces. Or she would body slam them to the ground until blood gushes out until death. But there was one person that wanted to destroy Rusfica more than anything, that would be the one and only Megan Fox. Megan Fox feels that she is the fat and ugly. She sees Rusfica as I threat to the constellion that’s why they will battle it out until one is alive.

Megan Fox visited these three stars every day at noon. Because that’s when Rusfica eats some of her daily twinkies. She hopes that one day she will stop how much Rusfica eats. But in late June, she finally decided to take over this unique constellion in July and defeat Rusfica. Who will win and take over this constellion the beautiful MeganFox? Or the beast Rusfica?

Finally it was late July and battle has began. Every day Rusfica sits down and eats her twinkies but one day she notices that some of her twinkies are gone as she bent over to reach for another one. She jerked her head back to see if she is sitting on the twinkie but cannot find them nowhere in sight. But in the corner of Rusfica’s eye there was the beautiful Megan Fox holding her twinkies in both of her tan hands. Rusfica was so mad that she bolted up to her and at full force smashed her to the ground. Her back snapped in half so fast that she couldn’t even say a word. But her hands jerk back also and the twinkies flew off the star. “NOOOO” said Fusfica. Megan slowly gets up while Rusfica is searching for her twinkies off the star. Once she got up she smacked her straight across face but she didn’t move one bit. Rusfica turned around and body slammed Megan to the ground better than a professional sumo wrestler would. Megan just laid there in pain. To finish her off Rusfica quickly swung her fat arms across hoping it would rip her head off but Megan slowly jerked her head to the side and Rusfica’s hand was sitting right next to her head. Rusfica sprinted many miles away not knowing where she went. Then Megan sat there thinking she won this battle and you see Rusfica running so fast towards Megan not knowing what she is going to do to her and she slowly gets closer and closer not knowing what to do. So she stood up just standing in the same spot not doing anything waiting for Rusfica. But Rusfica was so close that she was 2 feet away now. Megan still stood there not doing anything. Rusfica gained so much speed that she body slammed Megan all the way off the star into death. Megan failed and the goddess of all is now called Rusfica.

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