Monday, February 15, 2010

The Great Penguino

The Great Penguino

When you look up in the night sky you see a lot of stars. Now look six stars away from the top of the handle of the big dipper. You will find yourself looking at the constellation of The Great Penguino.

The Great Penguino was the trusty partner of Orion. It all started way back around the 1630’s when Orion was walking through the meadows with the love of his life. When suddenly he heard yelling down by the water fall. He ran there as fast as he could over there. He saw a man drowning a caped-penguin. Orion bolted over there and saw the man’s face. He was “The Poacher.”

The Poacher was an infamous animal hunter. He hunted rare species of animals and destroyed them. He was hated by every person in his village. He became an animal hunter when one day he was taking a stroll in the park and then an endangered bird pooped right on the top of his head. From that day forward he swore to kill every rare species of animal he could find.

Meanwhile back at the waterfall:

“I’m going to wipe right off the face of the planet and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. Muwhahahaha, yelled The Poacher!”

“Not on my watch!” Orion yelled triumphantly. And that’s when Orion shot a flaming arrow right through the head of The Poacher.

“Thank you.” The Great Penguino said.
“Don’t mention it buddy.” Said the grinning hunter.

There has to be some way I can repay you?

Would you like to join me in the great battle over Lake Wakapoopoo?

I would be honored.

So from that day forward these two partners were the most unstoppable force in the entire universe. Until….

One day Orion and The Great Penguino were riding home from a battle on planet Zambonia that they won. Of course. When suddenly they were hit by a rocket ball that came from some place unknown. Orion and TGP (The Great Penguino) were about to try to find where that shot had come from but they were much to tired. So they just drove along.

However that shot had not just come from anywhere it came from planet D.I.S.S. (Destructive, International, Space, Station). This was the most heavily guarded, destructive, space station in the world. And now they were after Orion and TGP. Their mission was to destroy every army that posed a threat. They haven’t failed once, yet.

So as TGP and Orion landed back upon their home planet, Neptune, citizens from all over the universe came to Orion’s and TGP’s landing spot. These two loyal friends were now the most known and most famous war fighters in the Milky Way Galaxy.

Then one day; The creatures of planet D.I.S.S landed on Neptune. They searched day after day for The Great Penguino and Orion but they failed. Finally they found the two in a secret underground base beneath a dumpster. They trampled the base killing all the security guards with ease. Then they found Orion and The Great Penguino. TGP and Orion were outnumbered 40,000 to two. This war seemed to be impossible but Orion and The Great Penguino don’t go down without a fight. So they decided to take on 20,000 people each. Orion had arrows equipped with flames and he had explosive brass knuckles for up close combat. He easily took out 300 people but unfortunately that wasn’t enough. On the other hand The Great Penguino had the power of water. So his weapons were beast tidal waves and two ton frozen ice balls. He vanquished 500 Disser’s. But there were too many of them and TGP and Orion were getting closed in on. Suddenly Orion felt a strong stinging pinch in his left leg. He hit the floor with a loud thud. He was hit with a poison dart and was slowly, painfully killed.

Noooo!!!!! TGP yelled at the sight of his greatest pal, dead.

The Great Penguino knew he would soon die to but he couldn’t that happen so after he defeated 10,000 more enemies in his vengeance he retreated. No one knows where The Great Penguino is now. So his spirit lives on and for his duties he was rewarded a constellation among the stars on the right hand side of his best friend of all time, Orion the great hunter.

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