Monday, February 1, 2010

Ryan Stepanovich

Scitt Rill

Come into the fantasy world of constellations and discover the story of the great Scitt Rill. He is only the strongest man in the universe even stronger than Hercules. Even the great hunter Orion has feared his mighty soul for as long as he lived.
The mighty Scitt Rill had lived in Greece his whole life with his best friend Hercules. They would always have battles together to train for their annual battle tournament of the World. Every year they would both be in the championship but Scitt Rill was never able to beat Hercules because he wasn’t a born fighter. Hercules on the other hand was, all of the guys in his family were champion fighters. Scitt Rill came from a very poor family of farmers. Even though they were farmers they were definitely strong even the women in the family were built. Not that Scitt didn’t want to be a family farmer but he wanted to be something, be known. He wanted to be world famous.
The year Scitt had decided so Hercules had to move and he was very sad. Hercules said “Don’t worry I’m sure we will see each other in the world fighting championship”. That motivated Scitt to work even harder to build his muscles even bigger become tougher and enable himself to endure more hits than ever. Little did he know that he lived by the King of Greece who saw his drive and compassion for this tournament. So one day the King decided to go meet with this young and determined warrior. The highly respected man approached Scitt with great presence almost intimidating Scitt because he was so big. “Young warrior what is your name?” he asked. “Scitt Rill” he said quietly. “Greetings Scitt I am the King of Greece and I live right next door to you and I have been watching you work as hard as you can to get stronger and I LOVE your work ethic” the King said. “Thanks?” Scitt said puzzled. “So I have decided to help you in your effort” the King said. There was this
Substance I had been looking for, for years and I finally found it on an island East of Serpantoto”. He said. “It is called Adamantium.
This substance will make you immortal and impenetrable to anything.” Amazed, almost drooling Scitt accepted and went into the Kings basement. Where there was a glass box with a water capsule under it filled to the top with water ready to invade the box. Also there were six drills that surrounded the box that basically looked like narrow daggers. “The only reason I approached you for this procedure is that you are the only one of two people who could survive after we cover your skeleton with Adamantium” the King said. “Just lay down on that glass table over that capsule there and we will get started with the procedure” the King said. Scitt put on a underwater breather so that he would be able to breathe when the water enters the box. The special professor controlling the machine, counting down “5,4,3,2,1 procedure has started.” Injecting needles into body.
Rapidly in about 2 seconds the needles start spinning in his body, so fast that the human eye cannot see it spinning. There were two computers in the sight of the professor his heart rate and his heart beat. His heart rate was rising quickly but the little inch and a half amount of Adamantium was going in quickly. The professor asked the king, “ why is he shaking so much?”. The King said, “He feels more pain than he has ever felt before if any of us were where he is right now we would die instantly.” “Sir, his heart rate is at 350 and quickly rising. 400 and rising now sir” the professor said. “ Come on hang in there Scitt hang in there buddy only a little more to go” The king said. “5,4,3,2,1 the professor was counting down until the rest of the Adamantium was injected. They ejected the needles immediately and just waited for him to come back his heartbeat had stopped and his heart rate was at 0. They all just stared at him. “ Come back to us, don’t leave us Scitt come back” the King said. They waited a couple of minutes and the heartbeat started coming back. His heart rate was in the regular and he was coming back to life slowly but surely. Eventually he got out of the glass box by his own power and felt amazing and unstoppable.
“How do you feel young man?” the King asked. “I… I feel like I am heavier and more powerful, yet… it feels good. Good now go out there and win that world fame you have always wanted. With great determination he still worked hard even though his skeleton was coated with Adamantium for months until it was time for “The Tournament”. The first round Scitt fought Atlas and it was a very long fight but eventually Atlas got tired because he could not even get a scuff on Scitt so he pounded Atlas into the ground with ease and moved to the second round confidently. The first round Hercules fought Prince Farquad and easily beat him. Without breaking a sweat the best friends moved ahead to the third round and the final round to qualify them for the Championship Battle. Easily the hardest battle for our young fighter was against the experienced Hoggy Gumble who is the most brutal fighter in the whole country but had no chance at beating Scitt. Hoggy only got to swing one punch at Scitt and missing before he got knocked out and thrown into the wall of the coliseum. Both friends would soon meet each other in the coliseum for the championship battle after the consolation battles. They were both excited but unfortunately one of them would have to come in second and Scitt didn’t come all this way to lose again. The battle had started and the crowd was going wild almost the whole time. Scitt being the HEAVY underdog was not intimidated by the chant of the crowd, HERCULES! HERCULES! HERCULES! He just thought of him battling his best and beating his old friend for the first time. The battle was back and forth the whole way but Scitt all of a sudden after taking a big hit in the face from Hercules got an adrenaline rush and went ape on him. Knocking him back 4 straight times and completely silencing the crowd. He had Hercules’ back up against the wall and said “ Good fight old chap but it’s my turn to have glory”. Scitt simply took Hercules and whipped him down to the ground only knocking him out and winning the tournament. Scitt Rill was successful in his quest to become The World’s best fighter. As a reward he was put up in the sky and worshipped in Greece forever. His constellation is his huge muscle. It is the pot part of the big dipper the two bottom stars are his bicep and the top left star is his head and the top right star is his forearm and hand.


  1. Nice story Ryan. I really like how you changed Mr. Roehl's name to Scitt Rill. Way to be creative and have fun with the project.

  2. Good Job. As John said I like how you changed Mr. Roehl's name.

