Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ashley Willig

Long ago around 1939, a new superhero emerged from the ashes. His name was Alfred Godson; and he wasn’t a normal baby. He was made to protect the planet Earth from anything evil. He soon realized that couldn’t do that job alone. He had three little sisters that were made from sugar spic and everything nice. Their names were Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup. They fought together for about five years, but they soon realized that there brother Alfred was taking all of the recognition. After they broke up, the sisters went on to do their own crime fighting for the city. They called themselves the Powerpuff Girls. They were a bunch of kindergarteners, who fought crime. There dad, the professor, realized that Batman couldn’t fight crime by himself, and decided that the girls can do it all. Batman didn’t think that this was right. Late at night he would sneak off to the city, and find someone who needs some help. It was now Batman’s eighteenth birthday, and he thought it was now time to tell his dad that he wanted to be a crime fight just like his sister. His dad wasn’t too pleased, and that day Batman left to pursue a job as a crime fighter.

Batman was struggling out in the world since he left home. He meet a new friend; his name was Robin, and thought that Batman’s idea was good. They decided that Batman would lead the way, and Robin would be his sidekick. Batman decided to give Robin a nickname; The Boy Wonder. For the next couple of years, they fought crime side by side with each other; until Robin decided that he wanted to go his own way. Batman didn’t want this to him happen again. It was like what his sisters did to him all over again. Batman tried everything he could to keep them from splitting apart, but it just didn’t work. Batman was by himself again. Batman was all by himself again. Crime fighting wasn’t the same without Robin. It was so much harder. Years go by and Batman and Robin are still apart. They’ve seen each other around town, but they never stop to say hello. Robin is doing worse and wants to come back to the team. He misses fighting crime with Batman. A month passes by and Batman and Robin meet up again. Batman and Robin decide to reunite with each other because they missed how it was before.

Now that Robin and Batman are back together, there’s more crime to fight, and more enemies in their lives. There number one arch enemy is the Joker. He’s mean and cruel, and he has a face not even his mother would love. He’s been in and out of jail and still is committed to his crime occupations. Whenever Batman and Robin have a crime to fight, he’s always there. Batman and Robin always stay one step in front of him though. The joker isn’t the only enemy they have. There’s also two face, barney, and Michael Jackson. Barney and Michael Jackson aren’t as bad as some of the others but there still there. They’ve been fighting with Batman and Robin for about three years. Two face and the joker are the worst enemies that they have. Joker has been in there lives since the day Batman and Robin teamed up and two face came into Batman’s life after he attacked and badly injured Batman’s sister. Defeating them more than once.

Ever since Robin and Batman have been fighting crime together, they’ve had lots of enemies. It use to be the joker, but now it’s Bart Simpson. He grew up evil, and learning from his father, Homer Simpson. His mother Marge Simpson left his father after he was in and out of jail. Bart had never had a real family and that is what probably led him to the world of crime. Batman and Robin have never lost a battle, until they first fought with Bart Simpson. They had him out numbered or so they thought. Turns out that Bart also has a sidekick, Richard Simons. Richard surprised Batman and Robin because they didn’t know he was there, and nobody ever knows when he’s going to attack. Battle after battle, the good lost to the bad.

Nobody knows how to push batman and Robin’s buttons more than Bart and Richard. They try to come up with new battle tactics but Bart and Richard are one step ahead of them, ready and waiting to see what they got. Batman and Bart analyze every step they take and Bart and Richard take so that they would be ready. They spend long hours figuring out a way to take them down, and how to get out of situations that they might be getting into later on. They’re ready for their next battle, and so are Bart and Richard. The next day, Bart and Richard decided to rob a jewelry store, and this time Batman and Robin are ready for whatever they might do to them.

The big fight is coming and everyone’s ready. Batman knows that Bart and Richard are going to do something today, they just don’t know what and where. There waiting to get the call from the governor to find out their new mission. Around three pm., the governor calls the bat cave and tells them their new mission.
“There’s been a break in at Target,” said the governor, “you and Robin need to get down to Target right away and stop them.”
“Yes sir,” said Batman.
“Right away Mr. Governor” said Robin.

Getting down to Target was the easy part. Now they have to fight Bart Simpson and Richard Simons and win. When they got to Target, Bart and Richard were waiting outside for them.
Kick, Pow, Bag, Bam, Shazam.
Everyone was getting tired, and Batman and Robin’s new trick failed them. Everybody ran inside and tried to find something to fight with. Batman grabbed a flag and Bart grabbed a shovel. Robin and Richard didn’t grab anything. They stood behind their leader ready to fight if one of them go injured. Batman charged at Bart holding the flag backward to where the end tip was facing Bart, and Bart charged at Batman where the scoop part of the shovel was pointing towards Batman. 123, they both charged at rapid speed to each other, knowing exactly what they are risking. Slam. They both slammed into each other. Both were laying on the floor calling to their sidekicks, Richard and Robin.

Bart had fallen by the will of Batman, and Batman has fallen from Bart. Bart had passed away before Batman.
“Hey Batman you did it. You defeated Bart,” Robin said softly.
“No Batman said, we defeated Bart;” whispered Batman.
Robin was doing everything he could to keep Batman alive but nothing was working. Batman died right there in Robin’s hands.

In honor of Batman Robin set out 13 stars in the solar system to look like Batman’s bat symbol. This constellation only comes out once a year on this very important day. Also because of Bart’s death, Richard used all of the power he had left in him and sent up a star to the night time sky to chase after Batman’s constellation for years to come. People say that whenever people see this constellation, it brings them hope, joy, happiness, and safety for the rest of their lives. Come out and see the constellation whenever you have the chance. In the sky you will see Bart chasing Batman in the night time sky.


  1. I really liked your creativity using Batman and Robin!! This was a cute story. :)

  2. Your story was really good. I liked how you described the whole thing. However I saw a few errors and it was a bit hard to fallow. But overall great job

  3. I thought your constellation looked really good

  4. Im glad that it ended happy and they finally defeated the bad guys.

  5. I liked how creative your story was and how u used characters that we all ready know

  6. I really like the creativity in your story. I like how you used a character like batman that everyone knows about.
