Monday, February 1, 2010

Sarah C.

If you look up into the night sky during the summer months of the year you will be able to see the most famous constellation known to man. This constellation is known as the Pizza consultation and is made up of the most famous star in the sky, Pepperoni. To find this constellation all you will have to do is look up and find the Big dipper. Directly north of the big dipper is the three fingers of the constellation King Fred the 55th. Those fingers are the three stars Fred the 56th, Fred the 57th, and Fred the 58th. They were named after King Fred’s the 55th’s three suns. The three fingers of the constellation point to the constellation Pizza. There is a wide known myth behind the creation of the constellation Pizza.

A long, long time ago there lived a wealthy king who was the ruler of the land of Eat a Lot. His name was King Fred the 55th and he lived with his wife and 5 children. All day he would eat while servants did the work. There was nothing more enjoyable to him that eating. He had very few talents and very few interests. Because his wife was very loyal to him she did all his hard work of ruling the land but no one in the village knew this.

One day the wife of King Fred the 55th got deathly ill. She couldn’t do anything but lay in bed and sleep. Fortunately she had the best care in the whole land. Unfortunately this meant that King Fred the 55th would have to do all of his work by himself. The servants were too busy taking care of the queen to help King Fred the 55th. Because Queen Fred the 55th always handled the problems and she never had to tell her husband how to do the work. King Fred the 55th was up a creek because he had no idea what he was doing.

For the first few days everything went smoothly. No one from the village came to him with any problems and there was enough food in the freezer to last him 3 days. But later more problems started to occur. Villagers were fighting over their land and crops and no one knew what to do. King Fred the 55th wasn’t good at solving problems. Many people left the town and nothing was getting done. No crops were getting planed and soon the village would run out of food.

The only food left was 10 frozen pizzas. King Fred the 55th could easily eat those buy himself in one day. The only problem was those 10 pizzas had to last the whole village for a long time. The Queen Fred the 55th was still ill so no servants were able to cook or go and find food. King Fred the 55th was starting to get worried. Some way he needed to find a way to control his people and make them work and grow some food. He needed to do this as soon as possible.

It wasn’t as easy as he thought that it would be in his head because the people of the village didn’t want to corporate. The wanted to leave the king all by himself and let him starve by himself. Their plan was to leave the village as soon as the food was all gone so they would have to do as little work as possible.

King Fred the 55th could not stand for this. How could his own people disobey him like this? How was he ever going to survive? So the next day he told the people the truth about how his wife had been doing all the work this whole time and how he really didn’t know what he was doing. He begged them to stay and help him to rebuild the village. In return for their courage and kindness he granted them all freedom. They wouldn’t be ruled by a king anymore yet they would all be part of a democracy.

The village people were so proud of what the king did. They couldn’t believe how honest he had been about what the queen had been doing all along. So they listened to their king and helped him through this tough spot. From that day forward there was a star in the sky that shown the brightest to all the people. They decided to name it after their great leader, King Fred the 55th.

It wasn’t until the next generation of people came through until the village named a constellation. They found the piece of pizza facing their past king. So from that day forward the constellation pizza would point towards King Fred the 55th’s hand.

Works Cited

Hicks, Mark A., and illustrator.. "pizza slice (in color) - Clip Art Gallery." Discovery Education Classroom Resources. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Feb. 2010.


  1. I liked the part where the whole village was proud of the king. I was a happy part and im glad it ended like that and not in a bad way.

  2. This was a good creative story. I liked how you had it go along with another constellation.
