Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Constellation By: Dani Jasinski

They one and only Ryan Sheckler, is one of the most famous and beautiful constellations in the sky. It is made up of five starts that are so bright and different from any other stars in the galaxy.

Ryan Schekler is not often up in the sky. You can only see if once every two weeks around midnight. This constellation is so popular that over millions of people will stay up just to see it. The constellation is located north of The Moon. It sits right above it, so it’s easily found. The stars that have made up Ryan Schekler aren’t well known. Schekler was just discovered about 2 years ago by a man named Tyrell Keeshamdena.

There has been many stories about how Ryan Schekler got up there and became so well known, but now you will find out the truth behind the real story of how Ryan Schekler became the ruler of the sky. The Greek God Zac Efron was the most powerful man in the sky. He over powered everyone. He ruled the galaxy. All the Goddesses loved him. He was unstoppable. Many other Gods were jealous of the almighty Zac Efron, and they wanted to stop him. They all came together to fight him. On midnight in late September will Zac Efron was going throughout the sky, the Gods attacked. With Zac Efron’s powerful skills he took on all of them, destroying each and everyone. At least that’s what he thought. There was one God left, Channing Tatum who survived the raft of Zac Efron. It was up to Channing Tatum to stop him now, but he couldn’t do it alone.

Years went on before Channing Tatum finally figured out what to do to stop the great God Zac Efron. He would find a man more powerful, better looking, and skillful. That’s when it hit him, he searched for years and years, and the day finally came when he found a man named Ryan Schekler. This guy was gorgeous, powerful, and had great skills, exactly what Channing Tatum was looking for. Although Ryan Schekler was already very powerful, Channing Tatum trained with him for months so he could become unstoppable.

They day finally came were Ryan Schekler would do a sneak attack on Zac Efron to destroy him. As he quietly flew through the sky, Zac Efron slammed into him. The tricky Zac Efron had such amazing skill that he had figured out about the plan. He had taking down Channing Tatum and now was about to finish off Ryan Schekler.

Ryan Schekler quickly fought back to get Zac Efron off of him. Now it was time. Only those two. No one else. The fight was going down. Zac flew into Ryan, but with Ryan’s amazing reflexive skills he was able to doge him. Ryan threw a punch knocking Zac off his feet. Zac quickly got back up and started and started to rapidly punch Ryan in the face. Ryan fell to the ground hard. Zac body slammed on top of him breaking many of Ryan’s ribs. He let out a scream. Begging for Zac to stop, but Zac wasn’t going to let him get away easy. After almost knocking Ryan out, Zac got off of him, and started running around with the glory of his victory. Ryan wasn’t going to let Zac win that easy. With all his little strength he had left, Ryan bolted at Zac as fast as he could for a sneak attack, and hit him with such power that it broke Zac’s back. Rolling on the ground screaming in pain Zac knew it was going to be the end. Ryan had all power now. He lifted up Zac and spun him around his head many times and the threw him a hundred feet into a wall. Ryan then came up behind him broke many bones inside his body, including his arms and legs, and then left Zac there to die. Ryan had finally defeated the almighty Zac Efron. The God of all Gods.

Word has spread about Ryan’s magnificent victory and soon after that many Gods and Goddesses had come to congratulate him. So many people were so grateful for Ryan’s heroic event that they threw as ceremony for him, giving him the title of The God of all Gods. With this title Ryan Sheckler had a constellation put up in the sky with his name in honor of what he had done. Ryan is now watching over the galaxy and protecting all God and Goddesses from another Zac Efron that might come around.


  1. i really enjoyed danielle's story because it was about really cute guys, but she made the story fun and i loved reading every minute of it:)

  2. Ya i love the picture just like john he is sooo hot :)

  3. I liked the guys that you used in the story, although Zac Efron should have won. :) Nice imagination!
