Monday, February 1, 2010

Katlyn G.

If you look up in the summer sky at night you will see Fred the king and his piece of pizza. First, you have to find the big dipper. Then look directly up and you will see 3 stars in a row; King Fred’s fingers. After you find king Fred look directly west and you will see 3 dots in a triangle and that is his pizza that he is chasing. King Fred is holding 3 fingers up for 3 more pieces of pizza. The star on the left is the north star and it is pointing north. His middle finger is pizza star and that is named after the pizza that he is chasing, and the last star is the Fred star named after the king.

A long time ago in a land very far away lived a king with a wife and 2 children named Penelope and Peter. He loved his kids and he wanted them to have good food but there was one problem. His wife was really lazy and she wouldn’t cook, so he had to hire a cook to cook for his family. King Fred’s favorite food was pizza. His family hated pizza so his cook had to make 2 meals every day. He had his cook make him pizza for every meal and another meal for his family every day .

Then one day his cook became very ill. The doctor told her she had to rest and then she would get better. She was really tired and couldn’t work, but King Fred made her make his pizza anyway. He didn’t like any other pizza. The rest of his family wouldn’t eat pizza so she had to continue making 2 meals for every meal every day. She continued this for a month and she finally died from exhaustion.

He was devastated and went to find a new cook. He tried many cooks but none of them made as good of pizza a his first cook. The first cook he tried named Buddy pizza crust was hard, not warm and fluffy like his first cook. But buddy had really good sauce. The second cook he tried named Sue sauce tasted like catsup, but Sue’s crust was amazing. The last cook he tried named Larry was just bad. Then the king had a great idea. He would combine Buddy’s pizza sauce with Sue’s crust to make an even better pizza.

The next day, he had both of those cooks make him a new pizza. It was terrible. So, the king went to his bedroom to cry. “Nobody can make good pizza anymore” he groaned. Since he would only eat his first cooks pizza he didn’t eat anything else. He eventually died and his son took over the thrown.

Now there is a constellation placed in the sky to honor King Fred. There is a picture of King Fred in the sky chasing his pizza. You can always look up in the summer sky and see him. He will never stop trying to get his tasty pizza.


Warren, William. "ARRA News Service: Fat People Cause Global Warming & Get the Green Letter." ARRA News Service. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Feb. 2010. .


  1. Katlyn- Nice twist on the King Fred story. It was very creative.

  2. I also thought it was very creative and I had fun reading it.
