Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Andrew R.

The Defeat of Taurus

One day there was a young man walking down the street when all of a sudden Taurus the bull flew down from the sky and started chasing after this young man. This young man was named Shaun. Shaun was extremely ripped, but wasn’t sure that he could take down this bull himself. Since this bull was chasing him, Shaun decided that he should probably fight back and then run. Knowing this, he grabbed out a shank from his pocket, and stabbed the bulls leg and ran away back to his house to prepare. At his house he decided that he might as well grab one of his best friends named Droopy. Droopy was a foreign exchange student who was quite stupid, but was a complete beast. Both of them geared up with bows and arrows, but also had a dagger just in case things didn’t go so well.

After that they decided they should run to the place they last saw the bull, but he wasn’t there. Since he wasn’t there both of them walked around town and through a lot of places until they came across his footprints. When they came across the footprints they followed them until they were inside a deep mountain. As they stepped in the mountain, they saw bright red eyes looking right at them, from just a few feet away. Both of them sprinted out of there but Droopy slipped and the bull stepped on him while he was chasing after Shaun. Thankfully Droopy managed to get away and escape the grip of Taurus. Basically since they saw how powerful the bull was they thought they should just give up. Knowing this, they ran away and decided what they were going to do next.

At Shaun’s house, they finally found the best idea that could ever be imagined. They decided that they should actually use the sky to their advantage. They decided they would make some kind of device that took the power from the stars and deflected it onto the bull himself. After days and days of troubleshooting, they finally created a device that took the power of the stars and created a huge energy surge that could demolish almost anything! Even though it seemed extremely impressive, it was quite hard to get it in the exact spot they wanted to. More troubleshooting went on, and they finally perfected it to the maximum. But were they ready for the insane battle against the Almighty Taurus?

Well.. Now they were ready to defeat this stupid monster of a bull! So both of them walked out of Shaun’s house and decided to go down to the warmest spot in the state. The warmest spot turned out to be in the middle of a huge field that nobody knew about, and it turned out that there were the bull’s footprints here. They set up their device and turned it on, and waited for it to charge. It finally become charged, and they set up a trap full of meat that would possibly lure the bull all the way over here. After hours of waiting, they finally heard grunting, and it turned out to be the bull. They prepared to shoot their device so they pressed the green button and all of a sudden there was a huge thud that could be heard. Then after that all you could see what a shooting star coming straight at the Earth towards them. Both Shaun and Droopy dived out of the way and the shooting star crashed directly into the head of the bull! Taurus collapsed and yelled “nooo!!!!” and then there was nothing to him. Finally after all of this the town was peaceful again, and there wasn’t an insane killing bull running around the place.

If someone ever looks in the sky, they will see that there are a few stars that form into what looks like Shaun’s description and Droopy’s description in the sky because somehow the device ended up putting more stars into the sky. After all of their hard work they were rewarded with something worthwhile. There’s nothing more important than being able to look up in the sky and see that you’ve done something special that rewarded you.


  1. I liked how you showed the different events leading to to the bulls death. Although the end was cut short and sounded a bit thrown together

  2. Very interesting story. Nice read. Fun to read. Very creative. Nice job.

  3. wow;) I liked how he was creative and it was fun to read:)

  4. Interesting story. It was very creative.
