Monday, February 1, 2010

Once upon a time there was a small boy in a dinosaur suit. He wanted to be a great hero just like Orion. But he was a small child with a big dream, he couldn’t fight, and he was really weak. he train to become a warrior but he wasn't very successful. All the kids made fun of him for him being weak and having stupid dreams. But he didn’t believe any of them and still tried and tried again.

One day the village heard that Orion was being chased by a giant scorpion. All the people were too scared to go and help. But the little boy in the dinosaur suit went to help Orion. Of course all the people was laughing at him for saying he would stop the scorpion. This didn’t bother the little kid in the dinosaur suit. He was brave and he knew it. On the day he was going to leave he mother just said a few brave words to him.

“Go ahead and go help Orion. Go get yourself killed I just don’t love you enough to care about you and even name you.”

The little boy in the dinosaur suit just nodded his head and went out the door.

So off he went to go save Orion even if the odd was against him. He would try to help and become strong like Orion. Of course he thought right about now Orion was getting rip to shreds. So he ran with great speed falling at least once every 30 steps because he was clumsy. He went by villages and ask if they see Orion. Most gave him bits and pieces of where they had last seen him and the rest they told him to go away. As he went by many fields of grass and hills then he heard a loud noise in the distances near a cliff. He went toward the edge and pier down to the abyss. As he pier down while laying flat he could see a rather large scorpion chasing something rather small from below. As he squinted to try and look down the cliff gave away and broke he was falling down the to the bottom of the canyon.

Of course in this story you expect him to beat the scorpion with the falling cliff but no. As he was falling the cliff felled right in front of the scorpion. The scorpion was scared but then he notice how yummy the little kid in the dinosaur. Since the scorpion was chasing the warrior for a long time it thought about taking a snack break to fill his empty stomach. The little kid in the dinosaur was dazed from falling but notice what was happen. The scorpion showed it furious teeth at the little boy in the dinosaur suit. The boy got scared and started to run. In the distance he could hear Orion yell to him.

“Good job you run as bait and I’ll run away from you and not help you.”

Not only did the little kid in the dinosaur suit was mad at Orion he notice how Orion was a wimp. He was furious but he wasn’t looking. So as he turn around all he could see was the giant scorpion mouth. So he fought back with the spikes on his dinosaur suit. He fought for his life and he train with his fighting. The scorpion got scared of his fighting but then notice that he was much bigger and stronger than the little boy. Then the little boy in the dinosaur suit was no more. As Orion fled he made a note to himself to honor the little kid in the dinosaur suit and put him in the sky for his sacrifice.

Now if you look northwest from the day October 31 to November 22 you can see the little boy in the dinosaur suit in front of the giant scorpion. He is part of the Libra constellation. The stars zubeneschamali and Zubenelgenubi are his back tail and his horn. And is in front of the Scorpio constellation to show his bravery.

work cited: Work cited: "devian art." devian art. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Feb. 2010. .


  1. Poor BOy in the dinosaur suit. D:

  2. Good job Nolan. I really liked it but it was such a sad ending. Why was it so sad? What made you make it so sad?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The reason it's so sad becuase that would happen in real life.

  5. Good job but you should have put your name on there because we don't know hwo you are.

  6. Nice piece. Kind of sad that he died. But it was fun to read.
