Monday, February 1, 2010

Norion the Bomb by Alex W

Once upon a time, there was a hunter named Orion. He was a very great hunter and killed enough animals for all of Athens to eat. No one ever went hungry and Orion was kind to everyone. If it weren’t for him, it is likely that everyone would have starved. Everyone was happy and believed that Orion was trained by Aretimis herself. However, as Orion hunted more and more, the animals started to disappear, and soon Orion couldn’t kill them anymore. Still, Orion knew that he must still hunt, and he must still kill. After all, he did it for himself, not to people.

At first, Orion ignored that thought, but the thirst for blood drove him crazy. Taking his bow, Orion dashed up the moutain above Greece. Orion aimed his bow and sniped a man walking back to his house. “Blood! Blood!” screamed Orion, and he jumped down the mountain and cut off the man’s head. Quickly, he took out his skull and put it in his hair. Before the rest of the Greeks could come, he ran back on top of the mountain and aimed his bow. After sniping five more Greeks, he leaped off the mountain and headed home.
Three Greeks came to investigate. Their names were Stupid, Random, and Collin Sternad. Collin had a very good sense of smell. He kneeled down, picked up an arrow, and sniffed it. “Arrow.” He growled. “Orion.”

The next day, Orion knew that he had to use a different weapon to kill the people or else they’d find out it was him. After three minutes of thinking, he invented the sniper rifle. Taking the gun, he watched as ten Greek soldiers marched in a line. Without hesitating, he sniped the soldier in the back, and laughed as they kept on marching forward. Starting from the back and moving to the front, he sniped all ten of the Greek soldiers. Suddenly, a huge army of 10,000 soldiers marched forward and dashed straight to the mountain. Quickly, Orion turned his sniper rifle into a machine gun and shot down all the soldiers.

“This is very bad.” The head of the militia said at the meeting that night. “Orion killed our entire army and there’s nothing we can do. We have to kill him at once. Should we pray for ten million hydras?”

“No.” said Collin Sternad. “We shall be using…The Bomb.” Around the room, everyone gasped, and Collin laughed.

The next day, the Greeks carried out Norion the Bomb. They set it on the top of the mountain and put horns on it. Silently, the Greeks sneaked away.
As Orion got to the top of the mountain, he saw Norion sitting there. “Who are you? What’s your name?” he asked. Norion started ticking. “Tick tick? That’s a funny name.” Orion said. “Prepare to die!” Orion raised his rifle and aimed it at the bomb. Suddenly, the bomb exploded and blew Orion into the sky. From then on, Norion's constellation always appears right next to that of Orion, always with him in the sky.


"Bush Bomb." Bush Bomb. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Feb. 2010.


  1. Alex'sa story was very enjoyable because it actually sounded like it would be a greek myth that they would have made up back then. good job bulba:)

  2. Why does the picture has bush face in it but they never mention it in the story?
