Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Bubble, the round one, is the smallest constellation in the sky. Bubble is made out of only one star. The round one is barely visible any night. Only one night you can clearly see it. It is the worst constellation in the hole book of constellations. On June 24 you can see this cancellation by looking straight up. When looking straight up you will see a star growing right I front of you. That is the round one.
In the late 1960’s and boy named Chuck Norris was sent down from heaven to drop kick anyone who ever tried to harm our earth. When little Chuck was 2 he was a prodigy because of his black belt in Kicking @$$. After a while the word came out that little Chuck was the next weapon of mass distraction. When Russia found out they tried to make a mechanical @$$ kicker but it always back fired. Iraq tried to make one that was nuclear but that also back fired. Chuck Norris is the only one out there with that skill so soon he became a target.

Nations tried to eliminate Chuck Norris with missiles, nukes, and assassins but he just round house kicked them back where they belong in Mexico. One day Chuck Norris forgot to drink his protein shake and cramped up so fast he couldn’t even say round hous…... The neighbor kid loved bubbles. He was so obsessed that he made a bubble that was big enofe to carry a person from place to place and could never be popped. What the kid didn’t know that the bubble had a mind of his own and the bubbles mind was a big Texas ranger fan. Once the bubble realized the world stopped turning and the grass was not greener on the other side he knew chuck Norris was in trouble, but so did everyone else.

Imminently once everyone one knew a world of hurt was coming at chuck Norris with AC-130’s, Chopper Gunners, Tactical Nukes, EMPs so he couldn’t make his protein shakes, and earth quakes(latterly the world was coming after him). The world went the whole nine yards to try and kill the young prodigy. The bubble knew that couldn’t happened so he went off to find the great bearded one aka Chuck. It only was about ten minutes to find that chuck Norris was in the fettle position in the kitchen so the big bubble sucked him up.

Jacob Burke

It was 12 long hard days and nights for the big bubble to carry little Chuck to find his protein shake. Once he found a protein shake he realized that he had left little Chuck back at the pot-a-potty a couple miles back. The Bubble raced back as fast as the bubble could only to find out that he wasn’t there. He was in the next one over. He gave little Chuck the Shake. Chuck slowly swooshed it down. To thank the bubble Chuck threw the bubble in the sky to suck up any evil that would try to get the bearded one. The big one the bubble was called. The big one would be remembered forever.


  1. haha:) i loved his story because it was very creative and fun to read:) good job jacob

  2. Very creative, and really entertaining. :D

  3. Kind of odd that you used all call of duty terms. Otherwise it was very creative and fun to read.

  4. Very intresting! i liked the fact that you chose chuck norris haha. was quite entertaining.
