Monday, February 15, 2010

The Great Penguino

The Great Penguino

When you look up in the night sky you see a lot of stars. Now look six stars away from the top of the handle of the big dipper. You will find yourself looking at the constellation of The Great Penguino.

The Great Penguino was the trusty partner of Orion. It all started way back around the 1630’s when Orion was walking through the meadows with the love of his life. When suddenly he heard yelling down by the water fall. He ran there as fast as he could over there. He saw a man drowning a caped-penguin. Orion bolted over there and saw the man’s face. He was “The Poacher.”

The Poacher was an infamous animal hunter. He hunted rare species of animals and destroyed them. He was hated by every person in his village. He became an animal hunter when one day he was taking a stroll in the park and then an endangered bird pooped right on the top of his head. From that day forward he swore to kill every rare species of animal he could find.

Meanwhile back at the waterfall:

“I’m going to wipe right off the face of the planet and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. Muwhahahaha, yelled The Poacher!”

“Not on my watch!” Orion yelled triumphantly. And that’s when Orion shot a flaming arrow right through the head of The Poacher.

“Thank you.” The Great Penguino said.
“Don’t mention it buddy.” Said the grinning hunter.

There has to be some way I can repay you?

Would you like to join me in the great battle over Lake Wakapoopoo?

I would be honored.

So from that day forward these two partners were the most unstoppable force in the entire universe. Until….

One day Orion and The Great Penguino were riding home from a battle on planet Zambonia that they won. Of course. When suddenly they were hit by a rocket ball that came from some place unknown. Orion and TGP (The Great Penguino) were about to try to find where that shot had come from but they were much to tired. So they just drove along.

However that shot had not just come from anywhere it came from planet D.I.S.S. (Destructive, International, Space, Station). This was the most heavily guarded, destructive, space station in the world. And now they were after Orion and TGP. Their mission was to destroy every army that posed a threat. They haven’t failed once, yet.

So as TGP and Orion landed back upon their home planet, Neptune, citizens from all over the universe came to Orion’s and TGP’s landing spot. These two loyal friends were now the most known and most famous war fighters in the Milky Way Galaxy.

Then one day; The creatures of planet D.I.S.S landed on Neptune. They searched day after day for The Great Penguino and Orion but they failed. Finally they found the two in a secret underground base beneath a dumpster. They trampled the base killing all the security guards with ease. Then they found Orion and The Great Penguino. TGP and Orion were outnumbered 40,000 to two. This war seemed to be impossible but Orion and The Great Penguino don’t go down without a fight. So they decided to take on 20,000 people each. Orion had arrows equipped with flames and he had explosive brass knuckles for up close combat. He easily took out 300 people but unfortunately that wasn’t enough. On the other hand The Great Penguino had the power of water. So his weapons were beast tidal waves and two ton frozen ice balls. He vanquished 500 Disser’s. But there were too many of them and TGP and Orion were getting closed in on. Suddenly Orion felt a strong stinging pinch in his left leg. He hit the floor with a loud thud. He was hit with a poison dart and was slowly, painfully killed.

Noooo!!!!! TGP yelled at the sight of his greatest pal, dead.

The Great Penguino knew he would soon die to but he couldn’t that happen so after he defeated 10,000 more enemies in his vengeance he retreated. No one knows where The Great Penguino is now. So his spirit lives on and for his duties he was rewarded a constellation among the stars on the right hand side of his best friend of all time, Orion the great hunter.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


**Picture deleted**

Once upon a time there was three bright stars in this constellion named Rusfica. Rusfica is seen all day and all night because of how bright these stars are. The stars are so unique that no one in the whole universe has seen these special neon orange stars before like this. But why are they orange? People say it’s because of how hot this constellion is but people don’t know for sure. But another question is why is the constellion named Rusfica?

Long years ago before the dinosaurs, there was the goddess that is very well known now named Rusfica. She cannot be stopped by anyone because of how big and chunky her body is. Many body builders and sumo wrestlers tried to destroy her but fail has occurred upon them. She eats about 100 twinkies every day to get in shape and build more flabs. If someone would come near Rusfica she would eat them into a million reckless pieces. Or she would body slam them to the ground until blood gushes out until death. But there was one person that wanted to destroy Rusfica more than anything, that would be the one and only Megan Fox. Megan Fox feels that she is the fat and ugly. She sees Rusfica as I threat to the constellion that’s why they will battle it out until one is alive.

Megan Fox visited these three stars every day at noon. Because that’s when Rusfica eats some of her daily twinkies. She hopes that one day she will stop how much Rusfica eats. But in late June, she finally decided to take over this unique constellion in July and defeat Rusfica. Who will win and take over this constellion the beautiful MeganFox? Or the beast Rusfica?

Finally it was late July and battle has began. Every day Rusfica sits down and eats her twinkies but one day she notices that some of her twinkies are gone as she bent over to reach for another one. She jerked her head back to see if she is sitting on the twinkie but cannot find them nowhere in sight. But in the corner of Rusfica’s eye there was the beautiful Megan Fox holding her twinkies in both of her tan hands. Rusfica was so mad that she bolted up to her and at full force smashed her to the ground. Her back snapped in half so fast that she couldn’t even say a word. But her hands jerk back also and the twinkies flew off the star. “NOOOO” said Fusfica. Megan slowly gets up while Rusfica is searching for her twinkies off the star. Once she got up she smacked her straight across face but she didn’t move one bit. Rusfica turned around and body slammed Megan to the ground better than a professional sumo wrestler would. Megan just laid there in pain. To finish her off Rusfica quickly swung her fat arms across hoping it would rip her head off but Megan slowly jerked her head to the side and Rusfica’s hand was sitting right next to her head. Rusfica sprinted many miles away not knowing where she went. Then Megan sat there thinking she won this battle and you see Rusfica running so fast towards Megan not knowing what she is going to do to her and she slowly gets closer and closer not knowing what to do. So she stood up just standing in the same spot not doing anything waiting for Rusfica. But Rusfica was so close that she was 2 feet away now. Megan still stood there not doing anything. Rusfica gained so much speed that she body slammed Megan all the way off the star into death. Megan failed and the goddess of all is now called Rusfica.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

John Conroy

There are a lot of stars at night time when you look up into the sky. But when you look straight up, above your head, into the stars, you will see something that you will never be able to imagine. You will the something AMAZING. That something is the group of stars called CP3. CP3 owns the place we like to call space and this is the story that tells how he got to own space.

It all started when CP3 was playing basketball, or at least trying to, and his worst enemy came up to him. This was someone who CP3 hated. This person, was Tim Duncan, the most hated person in all of space.
“What are you doing on my grounds brother?” CP3 said.
“Doing what I always do, trying to annoy you” said Tim Duncan
“Brother I will mess up your face if you take on step towards me”.

And on that note, Tim Duncan just bounced away. CP3 knew that these words and these actions would build up a war. The next day, CP3 was at the courts again trying to play basketball, Duncan came back, but this time he had some back up with him. His back up clan was called the San Antonio Spurs.
“See you brought some back up with you this time” said CP3.
“Yeah I did, meet me back here in two hours and we will fight” said Duncan.

CP3 wanted to think of a plan that could stop this evil man. He thought of all sorts of things that people couldn’t even imagine. But he needed a plan that would be a perfect and that nobody could stop. Then he realized that could easily stop Duncan and his army. He could call up one of his Earth buddies. He called only the best available person for this specific job, and that man was no other than The King himself. This man was so special because of course he is a King, but he can do things that people couldn’t imagine a king doing, like flying through the air.

“Hello my fellow friend” said the King.
“Hello brother, what be crackin?” said CP3.
“Oh nothing, but I’m ready to battle, away we go!” said the King.

CP3 collected only the best people for his army. Only the elite people that he had known for awhile. These people had come from a planet called hytophothiops. CP3 met with everyone of his men to discuss the battle plan and situation. CP3 explained how this was a dangerous mission and if anyone wanted to back out, now would be the time. Time had passed and it was time for battle. The two leaders and their army’s met on the middle of the sun. Yeah, I said the sun. The blazing sun was burning the sky up with the bright colors. It was time to battle.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” screamed everybody and the war was off. You might think that people were using guns or some sort of other weapon. Instead they were using weapons called long nose snipers. The best weapon in all of the land. They were a tube that shot out bee bees. Bee bees were flying everywhere. Everyone was down or hurt except for CP3 and Duncan. Duncan went low but CP3 went high and nailed him Duncan right in the head. The battle was over and the galaxy was saved. CP3 saved the one thing he loved and that was his home.

"Position Sports Events." Position Sports, Inc.. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Feb. 2010.

Taylor N.

Once upon a time there a Megan Fox and Beastly One aka Taylor Lautner. All the boys loved Megan Fox she was beautiful with long black locks and beautiful blue eyes. The Beastly one was very hot and had awesome abs, he was very strong but his mind was weak. They both lived in different villages, Megan lived a village called Transformers and Taylor lived in a Village called Twilight Moon. Sadly these villages were complete enemies. Thankfully though Twilight Moon had a lot of allies and were friends with most of the villages but not Transformer. Taylor was very loyal to his village though, but his weak mind caved at the sight of Megan, Megan also liked him so they ended up having a relationship.

Over time the villages started getting suspicious. When finally the day came when Megan’s father discovered what was going on between the two and he went physco. He marched over to the village of Twilight Moon with Megan and went straight to Taylor’s cabin, and shot an arrow in who they thought was Taylor’s back . Taylor entered the cabin to find Megan and her father there and hid nearly dead brother, sadly his brother passed right in front of his eyes. Megan and her father bolted out of the cabin and back to Transformer.

Taylor finally realized that Megan was a traitor as much as he denied it he knew it was true, so it was time for revenge, but before he could suit up and get ready Megan and her whole village came to slaughter all the people of Twilight Moon. Taylor was hurt by Megan’s actions but he was so enraged that those feelings didn’t matter anymore, so he went back to Megan’s village of Transformer, and unleashed on them. He used all the weapons he could carry such as knives, bow and arrow and much more. But when it came to destroying Megan it wasn’t as easy because in the back of his mind he loved her. Although this was happening he used all that sadness and love and transferred it into anger and vengeance and ended up terminating her. Right after he did this he ran up to her and all the love and sadness came back, and he held her in his arms and wept but she wasn’t fully dead she used one of his knives and penetrated with the knife right in the leg and finally died with the knife in her hand.

Taylor yelled from the pain and dropped her he started crawling to try and get back to his village for bandages, he even put pressure and tied a weed above the wound to help stop the bleeding. Despite all his efforts he sadly passed away. In honor of him and for his story to live on there is a constellation called the Beastly one that hangs in the sky for eternity, it’s the initials of his city T.M., his memory will live on forever.

Bubble, the round one, is the smallest constellation in the sky. Bubble is made out of only one star. The round one is barely visible any night. Only one night you can clearly see it. It is the worst constellation in the hole book of constellations. On June 24 you can see this cancellation by looking straight up. When looking straight up you will see a star growing right I front of you. That is the round one.
In the late 1960’s and boy named Chuck Norris was sent down from heaven to drop kick anyone who ever tried to harm our earth. When little Chuck was 2 he was a prodigy because of his black belt in Kicking @$$. After a while the word came out that little Chuck was the next weapon of mass distraction. When Russia found out they tried to make a mechanical @$$ kicker but it always back fired. Iraq tried to make one that was nuclear but that also back fired. Chuck Norris is the only one out there with that skill so soon he became a target.

Nations tried to eliminate Chuck Norris with missiles, nukes, and assassins but he just round house kicked them back where they belong in Mexico. One day Chuck Norris forgot to drink his protein shake and cramped up so fast he couldn’t even say round hous…... The neighbor kid loved bubbles. He was so obsessed that he made a bubble that was big enofe to carry a person from place to place and could never be popped. What the kid didn’t know that the bubble had a mind of his own and the bubbles mind was a big Texas ranger fan. Once the bubble realized the world stopped turning and the grass was not greener on the other side he knew chuck Norris was in trouble, but so did everyone else.

Imminently once everyone one knew a world of hurt was coming at chuck Norris with AC-130’s, Chopper Gunners, Tactical Nukes, EMPs so he couldn’t make his protein shakes, and earth quakes(latterly the world was coming after him). The world went the whole nine yards to try and kill the young prodigy. The bubble knew that couldn’t happened so he went off to find the great bearded one aka Chuck. It only was about ten minutes to find that chuck Norris was in the fettle position in the kitchen so the big bubble sucked him up.

Jacob Burke

It was 12 long hard days and nights for the big bubble to carry little Chuck to find his protein shake. Once he found a protein shake he realized that he had left little Chuck back at the pot-a-potty a couple miles back. The Bubble raced back as fast as the bubble could only to find out that he wasn’t there. He was in the next one over. He gave little Chuck the Shake. Chuck slowly swooshed it down. To thank the bubble Chuck threw the bubble in the sky to suck up any evil that would try to get the bearded one. The big one the bubble was called. The big one would be remembered forever.

Ashley Willig

Long ago around 1939, a new superhero emerged from the ashes. His name was Alfred Godson; and he wasn’t a normal baby. He was made to protect the planet Earth from anything evil. He soon realized that couldn’t do that job alone. He had three little sisters that were made from sugar spic and everything nice. Their names were Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup. They fought together for about five years, but they soon realized that there brother Alfred was taking all of the recognition. After they broke up, the sisters went on to do their own crime fighting for the city. They called themselves the Powerpuff Girls. They were a bunch of kindergarteners, who fought crime. There dad, the professor, realized that Batman couldn’t fight crime by himself, and decided that the girls can do it all. Batman didn’t think that this was right. Late at night he would sneak off to the city, and find someone who needs some help. It was now Batman’s eighteenth birthday, and he thought it was now time to tell his dad that he wanted to be a crime fight just like his sister. His dad wasn’t too pleased, and that day Batman left to pursue a job as a crime fighter.

Batman was struggling out in the world since he left home. He meet a new friend; his name was Robin, and thought that Batman’s idea was good. They decided that Batman would lead the way, and Robin would be his sidekick. Batman decided to give Robin a nickname; The Boy Wonder. For the next couple of years, they fought crime side by side with each other; until Robin decided that he wanted to go his own way. Batman didn’t want this to him happen again. It was like what his sisters did to him all over again. Batman tried everything he could to keep them from splitting apart, but it just didn’t work. Batman was by himself again. Batman was all by himself again. Crime fighting wasn’t the same without Robin. It was so much harder. Years go by and Batman and Robin are still apart. They’ve seen each other around town, but they never stop to say hello. Robin is doing worse and wants to come back to the team. He misses fighting crime with Batman. A month passes by and Batman and Robin meet up again. Batman and Robin decide to reunite with each other because they missed how it was before.

Now that Robin and Batman are back together, there’s more crime to fight, and more enemies in their lives. There number one arch enemy is the Joker. He’s mean and cruel, and he has a face not even his mother would love. He’s been in and out of jail and still is committed to his crime occupations. Whenever Batman and Robin have a crime to fight, he’s always there. Batman and Robin always stay one step in front of him though. The joker isn’t the only enemy they have. There’s also two face, barney, and Michael Jackson. Barney and Michael Jackson aren’t as bad as some of the others but there still there. They’ve been fighting with Batman and Robin for about three years. Two face and the joker are the worst enemies that they have. Joker has been in there lives since the day Batman and Robin teamed up and two face came into Batman’s life after he attacked and badly injured Batman’s sister. Defeating them more than once.

Ever since Robin and Batman have been fighting crime together, they’ve had lots of enemies. It use to be the joker, but now it’s Bart Simpson. He grew up evil, and learning from his father, Homer Simpson. His mother Marge Simpson left his father after he was in and out of jail. Bart had never had a real family and that is what probably led him to the world of crime. Batman and Robin have never lost a battle, until they first fought with Bart Simpson. They had him out numbered or so they thought. Turns out that Bart also has a sidekick, Richard Simons. Richard surprised Batman and Robin because they didn’t know he was there, and nobody ever knows when he’s going to attack. Battle after battle, the good lost to the bad.

Nobody knows how to push batman and Robin’s buttons more than Bart and Richard. They try to come up with new battle tactics but Bart and Richard are one step ahead of them, ready and waiting to see what they got. Batman and Bart analyze every step they take and Bart and Richard take so that they would be ready. They spend long hours figuring out a way to take them down, and how to get out of situations that they might be getting into later on. They’re ready for their next battle, and so are Bart and Richard. The next day, Bart and Richard decided to rob a jewelry store, and this time Batman and Robin are ready for whatever they might do to them.

The big fight is coming and everyone’s ready. Batman knows that Bart and Richard are going to do something today, they just don’t know what and where. There waiting to get the call from the governor to find out their new mission. Around three pm., the governor calls the bat cave and tells them their new mission.
“There’s been a break in at Target,” said the governor, “you and Robin need to get down to Target right away and stop them.”
“Yes sir,” said Batman.
“Right away Mr. Governor” said Robin.

Getting down to Target was the easy part. Now they have to fight Bart Simpson and Richard Simons and win. When they got to Target, Bart and Richard were waiting outside for them.
Kick, Pow, Bag, Bam, Shazam.
Everyone was getting tired, and Batman and Robin’s new trick failed them. Everybody ran inside and tried to find something to fight with. Batman grabbed a flag and Bart grabbed a shovel. Robin and Richard didn’t grab anything. They stood behind their leader ready to fight if one of them go injured. Batman charged at Bart holding the flag backward to where the end tip was facing Bart, and Bart charged at Batman where the scoop part of the shovel was pointing towards Batman. 123, they both charged at rapid speed to each other, knowing exactly what they are risking. Slam. They both slammed into each other. Both were laying on the floor calling to their sidekicks, Richard and Robin.

Bart had fallen by the will of Batman, and Batman has fallen from Bart. Bart had passed away before Batman.
“Hey Batman you did it. You defeated Bart,” Robin said softly.
“No Batman said, we defeated Bart;” whispered Batman.
Robin was doing everything he could to keep Batman alive but nothing was working. Batman died right there in Robin’s hands.

In honor of Batman Robin set out 13 stars in the solar system to look like Batman’s bat symbol. This constellation only comes out once a year on this very important day. Also because of Bart’s death, Richard used all of the power he had left in him and sent up a star to the night time sky to chase after Batman’s constellation for years to come. People say that whenever people see this constellation, it brings them hope, joy, happiness, and safety for the rest of their lives. Come out and see the constellation whenever you have the chance. In the sky you will see Bart chasing Batman in the night time sky.

Andrew R.

The Defeat of Taurus

One day there was a young man walking down the street when all of a sudden Taurus the bull flew down from the sky and started chasing after this young man. This young man was named Shaun. Shaun was extremely ripped, but wasn’t sure that he could take down this bull himself. Since this bull was chasing him, Shaun decided that he should probably fight back and then run. Knowing this, he grabbed out a shank from his pocket, and stabbed the bulls leg and ran away back to his house to prepare. At his house he decided that he might as well grab one of his best friends named Droopy. Droopy was a foreign exchange student who was quite stupid, but was a complete beast. Both of them geared up with bows and arrows, but also had a dagger just in case things didn’t go so well.

After that they decided they should run to the place they last saw the bull, but he wasn’t there. Since he wasn’t there both of them walked around town and through a lot of places until they came across his footprints. When they came across the footprints they followed them until they were inside a deep mountain. As they stepped in the mountain, they saw bright red eyes looking right at them, from just a few feet away. Both of them sprinted out of there but Droopy slipped and the bull stepped on him while he was chasing after Shaun. Thankfully Droopy managed to get away and escape the grip of Taurus. Basically since they saw how powerful the bull was they thought they should just give up. Knowing this, they ran away and decided what they were going to do next.

At Shaun’s house, they finally found the best idea that could ever be imagined. They decided that they should actually use the sky to their advantage. They decided they would make some kind of device that took the power from the stars and deflected it onto the bull himself. After days and days of troubleshooting, they finally created a device that took the power of the stars and created a huge energy surge that could demolish almost anything! Even though it seemed extremely impressive, it was quite hard to get it in the exact spot they wanted to. More troubleshooting went on, and they finally perfected it to the maximum. But were they ready for the insane battle against the Almighty Taurus?

Well.. Now they were ready to defeat this stupid monster of a bull! So both of them walked out of Shaun’s house and decided to go down to the warmest spot in the state. The warmest spot turned out to be in the middle of a huge field that nobody knew about, and it turned out that there were the bull’s footprints here. They set up their device and turned it on, and waited for it to charge. It finally become charged, and they set up a trap full of meat that would possibly lure the bull all the way over here. After hours of waiting, they finally heard grunting, and it turned out to be the bull. They prepared to shoot their device so they pressed the green button and all of a sudden there was a huge thud that could be heard. Then after that all you could see what a shooting star coming straight at the Earth towards them. Both Shaun and Droopy dived out of the way and the shooting star crashed directly into the head of the bull! Taurus collapsed and yelled “nooo!!!!” and then there was nothing to him. Finally after all of this the town was peaceful again, and there wasn’t an insane killing bull running around the place.

If someone ever looks in the sky, they will see that there are a few stars that form into what looks like Shaun’s description and Droopy’s description in the sky because somehow the device ended up putting more stars into the sky. After all of their hard work they were rewarded with something worthwhile. There’s nothing more important than being able to look up in the sky and see that you’ve done something special that rewarded you.

Shelby cieszki

One of the most famous constellations in the sky is titled, The Nolan Dang. The Nolan is a line located between Bellacrux and Betelgeuse, hidden in Orion. This is because he is very insecure and likes to be hidden. He is a seasonal constellation, only showing the snow depths of the winter and at around three in the morning. The reason for this late night time, is because this is how late he usually stays up playing videogames.

Nolan was at one time a happy child. He lived with his father, nice mother, and kind brother in the United States. This all was sadly ended when Hurricane Bartholomew had stricken his homeland. Nolan was the only survivor of his family, and became depressed. The US adoption agency soon found him what seemed to be the perfect the perfect family. The young hero was shipped to the UK, London to be precise, To meet his new family.

When he got off the plain, feelings of regret and sadness washed over him when he spotted a sign that he thought was being held for him. He wasn’t too sure though, it had his name spelled wrong. The family seemed averaged. Father, Mother and a daughter. Both the parents seemed to be in their thirties and the daughter looked four. Sure enough, it was his new family. He decided to make the best of it, and try to be happy.

When he arrived home it all began. What looked to be the greatest family ever, with a cute house and a dog, turned sour fast. His family began to call him Nolerella, and forced him to clean every room in the house. While they went out to dinner. Nolan worked fast and tried his hardest to make the home clean, and when the family came home pleased. Nolan’s room is an old closet located under the stairs.

Nolerella continued to live like this for the next year. He did all the chores, he cooked all the meals, and worked two jobs to bring an extra income in. You really can’t help but wonder how he pulls it off. The family was pleased for a while, but in the end it was never enough. Nolerella wished for a miracle, a way to get out here. He was lucky enough to have it happen. While picking up the mail, he realized an invitation in the mail. This paper read of prizes and rewards of all kinds, these awards were for one thing Nolan was sure he could do, a video game tournament.
Nolerella ran inside and told his family about the game tournament. He attempted to persuade them, promising that he could win, and if he would that he would give them all the prizes he won, if and only if they would let him go in return. The father was skeptical, but the mother and her daughter knew what would happen. The evil family tricked him. They locked poor Nolerella in the deep, dark basement. While they went to try their luck at the tournament themselves.

Nolerella paced. He hoped that a fairy of some sort would just show up and take him to the tournament. Where he will meet his best friend and things will be alright. After ten minutes of wishing for this, he gave up. He thought fast, and used his keen skills to get his way out of there. The small window was the first thing to notice. It was up high, and Nolerella would just barely fit thought there. He worked swift and hard, assembling the perfect mountain of things to get to the window.

He made it out. Nolerella had never felt this happy in this whole life. He ran as fast as he could to where the tournament was being held (gamestop). He made it with just seconds to spare. The family hadn’t expected to see him here, they were both annoyed and shocked as they realized he had signed up against him. The family ignored him as if here were a bug. Nolerella didn’t seem to mind, what worried him was the game. He was no good at musical games, along with dancing games. His mind eased when he saw the picture, Halo 3.

Nolerella beat many different opponents, making a few friends on the way. And made it to the finals. He was playing against his diabolical step sister. The game got harder. She knew how to play. He met many times where he thought he would have lost, but in the end, Nolerella was victorious. The family tried to get Nolerella back, but they didn’t have a chance. Nolan got away from the evil family and never looked back after that day.

Nolan was rewarded his own constellations for a few reasons. One this is probably the least creative myth ever. Another is that he stood up to what he believed in and got away from the horrible abusive family. But in the end, we all know the only reason Nolan got a constellation, was because he kicked butt in halo.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

There was once an enormous saddle bred horse named Shamrock Magic Shamrock was called Joker at his owner’s barn because he always loved pulling pranks on his smaller horse friends. Like one time when he filled Triskle’s water with cheese, Triskle’s least favorite food. Joker loved his owner Kristine very much though. Both would race the vary wind as they galloped over the hills filled with monkey grass.

Joker was beautiful, he had a long flowing jet black mane that glistened like the midnight sky. And his deep brown eyes. His coat was solid black and his hoofs were the same. He stood much taller than a normal horse should, an astonishing 30 hands!(that’s about 10.5 feet at the shoulder) His speed was just as amazing as his height and could run six times faster than his friend the turtle cheetah. He could jump over 18 foot tall fences and leap over raging streams.

But he was not gallant. Not one bit. Because one day Kristine and Joker were faced to go and face off the evil oompa loompas that abused Joker as a foal. The oompas were led by a sinister ruler, Queen Cheese Louise, she was cruel and abusive to everything known to man. So Joker and Kristine led their own army of horses and their ace riders. It was a brutal day. As the morning dawned the horses swiftly galloped up the hill to the Queen’s mighty gumball castle, and stopped. Soon they heard the loud thuds of the oompa loompas’s feet and they looked up. There about a half mile away was the oompa loompas and their Queen each one riding a three eyed four brained fish. Joker reared and pawed the air with his enormous hoofs, then let out a thunderous grunt as he and Kristine charged at the oompa loompas. While Joker’s friends went for the oompa loompas Joker and Kristine bolted straight for the queen to finally put an end to her abuse. And with one blow from Joker’s hoofs she was knocked to the ground. Reacting fast Joker reared again and killed the queen. The night started to fall and the horses had won and were heading back all of them exhausted.

About half way back to the barn joker jolted his massive black head to the left. Then out of nowhere Joker shot forward into a wild gallop. Kristine buried her hands in Joker’s mane and leaned forward onto his withers, she did this because she trusted her steed with her life. Now pitch black out Joker finally stopped galloping, and came to a screeching halt. They had traveled a 20 miles when he had stopped. Kristine breathless and fingers tense dismounted with her horse right behind her. They walked a bit further when the oompa loompas’s cousin the loompa oompas tried to ambush them, but Joker like all horses could see in the dark and then defeated them. So then they raced to the barn to meet the others.

When they arrived back at the barn all of the horses were crowded around something glowing. Then the horses parted to reveal what was glowing. A pearly white unicorn named Clemence was standing in the middle of the isle. Joker craned his neck in sheer surprise of the rare sight. Then she spoke to him and Kristine and told them that she had watched the battle against the oompa loompas and wanted to thank them for their extreme bravery in battle. She rewarded them by making them immortal and put a picture of them in the sky as a constellation perusing the queen for the rest of time you can still see them on clear nights, they are right behind Cassiopeia and above Pisces.

Constellation By: Dani Jasinski

They one and only Ryan Sheckler, is one of the most famous and beautiful constellations in the sky. It is made up of five starts that are so bright and different from any other stars in the galaxy.

Ryan Schekler is not often up in the sky. You can only see if once every two weeks around midnight. This constellation is so popular that over millions of people will stay up just to see it. The constellation is located north of The Moon. It sits right above it, so it’s easily found. The stars that have made up Ryan Schekler aren’t well known. Schekler was just discovered about 2 years ago by a man named Tyrell Keeshamdena.

There has been many stories about how Ryan Schekler got up there and became so well known, but now you will find out the truth behind the real story of how Ryan Schekler became the ruler of the sky. The Greek God Zac Efron was the most powerful man in the sky. He over powered everyone. He ruled the galaxy. All the Goddesses loved him. He was unstoppable. Many other Gods were jealous of the almighty Zac Efron, and they wanted to stop him. They all came together to fight him. On midnight in late September will Zac Efron was going throughout the sky, the Gods attacked. With Zac Efron’s powerful skills he took on all of them, destroying each and everyone. At least that’s what he thought. There was one God left, Channing Tatum who survived the raft of Zac Efron. It was up to Channing Tatum to stop him now, but he couldn’t do it alone.

Years went on before Channing Tatum finally figured out what to do to stop the great God Zac Efron. He would find a man more powerful, better looking, and skillful. That’s when it hit him, he searched for years and years, and the day finally came when he found a man named Ryan Schekler. This guy was gorgeous, powerful, and had great skills, exactly what Channing Tatum was looking for. Although Ryan Schekler was already very powerful, Channing Tatum trained with him for months so he could become unstoppable.

They day finally came were Ryan Schekler would do a sneak attack on Zac Efron to destroy him. As he quietly flew through the sky, Zac Efron slammed into him. The tricky Zac Efron had such amazing skill that he had figured out about the plan. He had taking down Channing Tatum and now was about to finish off Ryan Schekler.

Ryan Schekler quickly fought back to get Zac Efron off of him. Now it was time. Only those two. No one else. The fight was going down. Zac flew into Ryan, but with Ryan’s amazing reflexive skills he was able to doge him. Ryan threw a punch knocking Zac off his feet. Zac quickly got back up and started and started to rapidly punch Ryan in the face. Ryan fell to the ground hard. Zac body slammed on top of him breaking many of Ryan’s ribs. He let out a scream. Begging for Zac to stop, but Zac wasn’t going to let him get away easy. After almost knocking Ryan out, Zac got off of him, and started running around with the glory of his victory. Ryan wasn’t going to let Zac win that easy. With all his little strength he had left, Ryan bolted at Zac as fast as he could for a sneak attack, and hit him with such power that it broke Zac’s back. Rolling on the ground screaming in pain Zac knew it was going to be the end. Ryan had all power now. He lifted up Zac and spun him around his head many times and the threw him a hundred feet into a wall. Ryan then came up behind him broke many bones inside his body, including his arms and legs, and then left Zac there to die. Ryan had finally defeated the almighty Zac Efron. The God of all Gods.

Word has spread about Ryan’s magnificent victory and soon after that many Gods and Goddesses had come to congratulate him. So many people were so grateful for Ryan’s heroic event that they threw as ceremony for him, giving him the title of The God of all Gods. With this title Ryan Sheckler had a constellation put up in the sky with his name in honor of what he had done. Ryan is now watching over the galaxy and protecting all God and Goddesses from another Zac Efron that might come around.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Once upon a time there was a small boy in a dinosaur suit. He wanted to be a great hero just like Orion. But he was a small child with a big dream, he couldn’t fight, and he was really weak. he train to become a warrior but he wasn't very successful. All the kids made fun of him for him being weak and having stupid dreams. But he didn’t believe any of them and still tried and tried again.

One day the village heard that Orion was being chased by a giant scorpion. All the people were too scared to go and help. But the little boy in the dinosaur suit went to help Orion. Of course all the people was laughing at him for saying he would stop the scorpion. This didn’t bother the little kid in the dinosaur suit. He was brave and he knew it. On the day he was going to leave he mother just said a few brave words to him.

“Go ahead and go help Orion. Go get yourself killed I just don’t love you enough to care about you and even name you.”

The little boy in the dinosaur suit just nodded his head and went out the door.

So off he went to go save Orion even if the odd was against him. He would try to help and become strong like Orion. Of course he thought right about now Orion was getting rip to shreds. So he ran with great speed falling at least once every 30 steps because he was clumsy. He went by villages and ask if they see Orion. Most gave him bits and pieces of where they had last seen him and the rest they told him to go away. As he went by many fields of grass and hills then he heard a loud noise in the distances near a cliff. He went toward the edge and pier down to the abyss. As he pier down while laying flat he could see a rather large scorpion chasing something rather small from below. As he squinted to try and look down the cliff gave away and broke he was falling down the to the bottom of the canyon.

Of course in this story you expect him to beat the scorpion with the falling cliff but no. As he was falling the cliff felled right in front of the scorpion. The scorpion was scared but then he notice how yummy the little kid in the dinosaur. Since the scorpion was chasing the warrior for a long time it thought about taking a snack break to fill his empty stomach. The little kid in the dinosaur was dazed from falling but notice what was happen. The scorpion showed it furious teeth at the little boy in the dinosaur suit. The boy got scared and started to run. In the distance he could hear Orion yell to him.

“Good job you run as bait and I’ll run away from you and not help you.”

Not only did the little kid in the dinosaur suit was mad at Orion he notice how Orion was a wimp. He was furious but he wasn’t looking. So as he turn around all he could see was the giant scorpion mouth. So he fought back with the spikes on his dinosaur suit. He fought for his life and he train with his fighting. The scorpion got scared of his fighting but then notice that he was much bigger and stronger than the little boy. Then the little boy in the dinosaur suit was no more. As Orion fled he made a note to himself to honor the little kid in the dinosaur suit and put him in the sky for his sacrifice.

Now if you look northwest from the day October 31 to November 22 you can see the little boy in the dinosaur suit in front of the giant scorpion. He is part of the Libra constellation. The stars zubeneschamali and Zubenelgenubi are his back tail and his horn. And is in front of the Scorpio constellation to show his bravery.

work cited: Work cited: "devian art." devian art. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Feb. 2010. .

Alex H.

Dwayne Wade

Three seconds left, the heat has the ball. Michel Beasley passes it in to Dwayne, he dribbles, he shoots from half court, he makes it, they win, they win, they win. This is why he is the brightest constellation in the morning sky! The gods of basketball elected him over Kobe, LeBron, Nash, and Michel Jordan, which is hard to believe. Since the gods were so nice to him and Dwayne Wade had such a nice heart he gave them lots of money to spend on season tickets for all of the teams that they wanted. He also gave them each a lifetime of Wade Converse shoes and jerseys so they could always remember him. He also gave them $24,456 gift card to his store in Botswana.

Dwayne went on to win 27 NBA titles and has his own company in Botswana. Later on in his carrier he became a multi- billionaire and when Bill Gates died he got all of his money because he was so good. Since Dwayne could pay for such good medication and doctors he lived to the age of 467 years old- the oldest person ever. Because he lived so long and played so long he wasn’t elected into the basketball hall of fame until 2307. Dwayne Wade played with such good players that with all of his money he hired scientists to make a special helmet that took all of the best players talent and put it into him so he could be the best player in the history of the world. Then he destroyed his helmet so no one could use it.

When the basketball gods elected Dwayne into the stars Dwayne actually died on the spot! This was the biggest tragedy in the history of the world because at this time basket ball was the most common sport around. Dwayne got buried but after three days he rose again. He went up to the space about 445,656,657 light years away and has been shining bright forever on. He will come back one day to judge the living and the dead basketball stars to see if they should turn into constellations with all the other basketball player constellations.

This is how Dwayne Wade was lifted and transformed into a constellation. Now he can watch over all basketball players everywhere., and if they look up and can find this constellation they will become a basketball player, NBA style. Dwayne was such a great influence that instead of Lincoln sitting in a chair it is Dwayne Wade dunking a basketball in his 45th NBA championship game, which they won.

" Google Image Result for" Google Images. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Feb. 2010.

Cody H.

There was an epic 5 year long battle and many brave fish warriors died and many demons fell as well. The war consisted of 2 sides, the demons and the fish people. The demons stuck first with a lava ball that took out almost a quarter of the fish warriors. The fish came back with a tsunami that did a lot more damage to the demons then the demons did to the fish. The two armies collided and were interlocked into a battle that lasted 5 years. Finally on the 5th year on December 2nd the fish became victorious. There was one warrior that stood out from all the rest. He is one of the few survivors of the war. His name was Aquarius. Aquarius was just an ordinary fish person. Fish people are fish with arms and legs. They also have a neck and head. They are very good warriors and can withstand the harshest temperatures.

The only reason that the fish warriors had won the battle was because Aquarius trust his golden spear into the commander of the evil lava demons and the demons had surrendered and sent back to their planet. The fish warriors had now ruled the earth way before humans and other animals. They made a magnificent city under the water named Aquos. Because so many people dreaded the name Aquos they changed it to Atlantis the City in the Water.

Once the Earth’s crust that was under the water has risen the fish people had no were to go and soon became extinct. Before the goddess of the Fish people died she imprinted the almighty Aquarius in the stars above.

You can only see this constellation on the night of the victory of the war. The constellation of the almighty fish warrior named Aquarius, lived in a peaceful city named Aquos. Well, the city was peaceful until the evil lava demons attacked it because they saw the fish city as a threat to their existence. December 2nd is the official date you can see this brilliant constellation. In order to find it you have to find the North Star or Polaris. Just look south west from that and you should see him and his golden spear. Polaris is the tip of his spear. The constellation consists of 10 stars. the stars that resemble the body of him are bluish and he stars that are the spear are goldish or yellow.

Works Cited

"World of Warcraft - English (NA) Forums -> A Satyr's Curse II (Sign-ups and ideas)." World of Warcraft - English (NA) Forums -> Forum Index. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Feb. 2010.

Ryan Stepanovich

Scitt Rill

Come into the fantasy world of constellations and discover the story of the great Scitt Rill. He is only the strongest man in the universe even stronger than Hercules. Even the great hunter Orion has feared his mighty soul for as long as he lived.
The mighty Scitt Rill had lived in Greece his whole life with his best friend Hercules. They would always have battles together to train for their annual battle tournament of the World. Every year they would both be in the championship but Scitt Rill was never able to beat Hercules because he wasn’t a born fighter. Hercules on the other hand was, all of the guys in his family were champion fighters. Scitt Rill came from a very poor family of farmers. Even though they were farmers they were definitely strong even the women in the family were built. Not that Scitt didn’t want to be a family farmer but he wanted to be something, be known. He wanted to be world famous.
The year Scitt had decided so Hercules had to move and he was very sad. Hercules said “Don’t worry I’m sure we will see each other in the world fighting championship”. That motivated Scitt to work even harder to build his muscles even bigger become tougher and enable himself to endure more hits than ever. Little did he know that he lived by the King of Greece who saw his drive and compassion for this tournament. So one day the King decided to go meet with this young and determined warrior. The highly respected man approached Scitt with great presence almost intimidating Scitt because he was so big. “Young warrior what is your name?” he asked. “Scitt Rill” he said quietly. “Greetings Scitt I am the King of Greece and I live right next door to you and I have been watching you work as hard as you can to get stronger and I LOVE your work ethic” the King said. “Thanks?” Scitt said puzzled. “So I have decided to help you in your effort” the King said. There was this
Substance I had been looking for, for years and I finally found it on an island East of Serpantoto”. He said. “It is called Adamantium.
This substance will make you immortal and impenetrable to anything.” Amazed, almost drooling Scitt accepted and went into the Kings basement. Where there was a glass box with a water capsule under it filled to the top with water ready to invade the box. Also there were six drills that surrounded the box that basically looked like narrow daggers. “The only reason I approached you for this procedure is that you are the only one of two people who could survive after we cover your skeleton with Adamantium” the King said. “Just lay down on that glass table over that capsule there and we will get started with the procedure” the King said. Scitt put on a underwater breather so that he would be able to breathe when the water enters the box. The special professor controlling the machine, counting down “5,4,3,2,1 procedure has started.” Injecting needles into body.
Rapidly in about 2 seconds the needles start spinning in his body, so fast that the human eye cannot see it spinning. There were two computers in the sight of the professor his heart rate and his heart beat. His heart rate was rising quickly but the little inch and a half amount of Adamantium was going in quickly. The professor asked the king, “ why is he shaking so much?”. The King said, “He feels more pain than he has ever felt before if any of us were where he is right now we would die instantly.” “Sir, his heart rate is at 350 and quickly rising. 400 and rising now sir” the professor said. “ Come on hang in there Scitt hang in there buddy only a little more to go” The king said. “5,4,3,2,1 the professor was counting down until the rest of the Adamantium was injected. They ejected the needles immediately and just waited for him to come back his heartbeat had stopped and his heart rate was at 0. They all just stared at him. “ Come back to us, don’t leave us Scitt come back” the King said. They waited a couple of minutes and the heartbeat started coming back. His heart rate was in the regular and he was coming back to life slowly but surely. Eventually he got out of the glass box by his own power and felt amazing and unstoppable.
“How do you feel young man?” the King asked. “I… I feel like I am heavier and more powerful, yet… it feels good. Good now go out there and win that world fame you have always wanted. With great determination he still worked hard even though his skeleton was coated with Adamantium for months until it was time for “The Tournament”. The first round Scitt fought Atlas and it was a very long fight but eventually Atlas got tired because he could not even get a scuff on Scitt so he pounded Atlas into the ground with ease and moved to the second round confidently. The first round Hercules fought Prince Farquad and easily beat him. Without breaking a sweat the best friends moved ahead to the third round and the final round to qualify them for the Championship Battle. Easily the hardest battle for our young fighter was against the experienced Hoggy Gumble who is the most brutal fighter in the whole country but had no chance at beating Scitt. Hoggy only got to swing one punch at Scitt and missing before he got knocked out and thrown into the wall of the coliseum. Both friends would soon meet each other in the coliseum for the championship battle after the consolation battles. They were both excited but unfortunately one of them would have to come in second and Scitt didn’t come all this way to lose again. The battle had started and the crowd was going wild almost the whole time. Scitt being the HEAVY underdog was not intimidated by the chant of the crowd, HERCULES! HERCULES! HERCULES! He just thought of him battling his best and beating his old friend for the first time. The battle was back and forth the whole way but Scitt all of a sudden after taking a big hit in the face from Hercules got an adrenaline rush and went ape on him. Knocking him back 4 straight times and completely silencing the crowd. He had Hercules’ back up against the wall and said “ Good fight old chap but it’s my turn to have glory”. Scitt simply took Hercules and whipped him down to the ground only knocking him out and winning the tournament. Scitt Rill was successful in his quest to become The World’s best fighter. As a reward he was put up in the sky and worshipped in Greece forever. His constellation is his huge muscle. It is the pot part of the big dipper the two bottom stars are his bicep and the top left star is his head and the top right star is his forearm and hand.

Cassidy Doome

True love is a strong thing that some say can never be broken, never be ruined no matter what happens. A true love is someone that can’t ever be replaced, as you look to the stars you see the great smiley face proves this with a story.There was a young girl, named Sarah, who was a great actress with a bright future ahead of her , she met a boy, Jason who little did she know was going to change her life. They became close friend and soon a couple, with every day they grew closer.

Sarah was a sweet girl who was always thinking about what would happen next and Jason was always living in the moment not really looking forward or back, they both had different looks about things but that never came between them. Jason with his basket ball and Sarah with her acting they both seemed to have a bright future ahead of them. Everything was going great they both of them and but tragedy struck when one day Sarah was diagnosed with cancer.

They were both in shocked all Jason could think about was how he couldn’t live without Sarah and right then he made a promise that he would be with her through everything, every surgery, or transplants, he would be there for her and he didn’t break to her ever. It wasn’t easy for earthier of them and Jason ended up quitting basketball, looking forward was becoming more popular to him as he couldn’t stand the thought of living without her. He went to college and became a business man.

After a little over two years had passed Sarah had became cancer free. That year was the best year of Sarah life Jason and Sarah got married and moved to new York, Sarah got a acting job and was following her dream. She became very known in new York and when she thought that everything was going up her cancer came back this time it was worse much worse. The same fear that was in Jason head before had came back and this time he knew that it wouldn’t end well.

They both knew that the end was coming and all Sarah wanted to do was live the last part of her life with the one she loved. Now that she practically lived at the hospital so did Jason, they would always try to look on the bright side of things but that side was getting pretty hard to find being only 24 and dieting there was almost nothing good. And one day as they were sitting together Sarah told Jason that they end was there and that she didn’t think she would live throughout the night. Write before she fell asleep she told Jason : I want you to do one thing for me every night look to the sky you will see a smiley face that is me looking down on your loving you forever. As the morning came Sarah was right she had died during the middle of the night. Still to this day when he looks to the stars he thinks about the true love that can never be replaced and to this day he still loves her the way he did the day she died.

"PlaneBuzz." PlaneBuzz. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Feb. 2010. .

Leah T. - Marshmallow Man

Everything in history starts with a story or a myth. We hear about Orion the Hunter, the Big Dipper, the Little Dipper, and all of those constellations in the sky. The question is, do we know how they came about? All of the constellations come with some type of background that can tell the story of how they were formed. For example, Orion the Hunter fell in love with Merope, one of the seven sisters who form the Pleiades, but Merope didn’t want him. He then claimed that he could fight anything in the world, so a scorpion was unleashed upon him and he was killed by it. Since the gods felt bad, they placed him in the sky with his hunting dogs and animals he hunted. Stories are necessary to be able to know what happens in history, and one of the greatest constellations ever discovered is the Marshmallow Man.

To first get the visualization of the Marshmallow Man, he is made up of five stars. These stars are named Choco, Graham, Woody, Flame, and Torcher, seeing as they are involved in how the Marshmallow Man was placed in the sky. Though they were once the Marshmallow family, they were squished into a s’more during an epic battle between Graham Cracker Girl, Chocolate Boy, and them. Looking into the sky on a dark night, there is an easy way to spot the Marshmallow Man. Just like you use it to find the North Star, if you can spot the Big Dipper in the sky, you look the opposite way than you would for the North Star and you’ll be able to see the star, Torcher. Since Torcher is the bottom right corner of this constellation you can look to the left to see Choco, look above to see Woody, look above and to the left to see Flame, and in the middle of those four stars rests Graham, the father of all. Every single one of these people play roles in the story of how the Marshmallow Man came about.

It was a warm, not hot, day in August in 1832 when everything happened. The Marshmallow family was having a feast in the park by their home. Graham and his wife, Choco, were marveling at their children, Woody, Flame, and Torcher, as they had a food fight with each other. They weren’t just any family, though. All of them had super powers – except for poor Graham. Some days, Graham couldn’t do anything but sit back and watch them fight off evil without him. Though he didn’t have any super powers, Graham did have training in martial arts so he could occasionally help his family. All of the Marshmallow family combined was a threat to anything that came their way. Choco could turn invisible, Woody could shape shift, Flame could start things on fire with his mind, and Torcher could control peoples’ minds with his own. They were unstoppable and unbeatable – until they ran into Graham Cracker Girl and Chocolate Boy that beautiful day in the park.

As Woody, Flame, and Torcher had their mini food fight, there was a sudden feeling of tension in the air. Graham and Choco looked at each other, seeing in their eyes that their afternoon of fun was coming to an end. Hearing grass-softened footsteps close by, the whole Marshmallow family stopped what they were doing and looked up to see Graham Cracker Girl and Chocolate Boy – mischievous twins who loved to wreak havoc whenever they found the chance. Pretty as could be, Graham Cracker Girl had fitting sandy blonde hair and glittering chocolate brown eyes, accompanied by a flowing white dress. Standing next to each other, you could see the resemblance between these two troublemakers. With his hands on his hips, Chocolate Boy had chocolate brown hair, hazelnut colored eyes, and jeans and a plain white t-shirt that showed off his toned arms. Graham Cracker Girl looked at the scene in front of her and, focusing her eyes on Graham, said in her smooth voice, “You killed my dad. All of you killed my father.” Looking at Graham Cracker Girl, Graham replied, “I sure might have. Depends on who your father was. If he’s dead, it was probably because he was a bad person.” With that line, Graham Cracker Girl and Chocolate Boy completely blew up.

Unleashing her numerous powers upon the Marshmallow family, Graham Cracker Girl flew up into the air and shot arrows at them. Quickly realizing what was going on, Choco, who could also put up force fields, created a bubble of protection over her family to keep them from getting hit by the arrows. Anger upon their faces, the twins landed next to each other and stared at the Marshmallow family. Turning their backs, they started to speak to each other in quick whispers. Thinking that it would be okay, Choco released her force field and the family separated. The twins swiftly turned around and immediately targeted the youngest one in the family – Torcher. Chocolate Boy, with his power of super speed, ran and caught Torcher’s arm. Before he could take over their minds, Graham Cracker Girl shot him with one of her poison arrows and he quickly died. In a state of shock, Choco dropped to her knees and started crying. Seeing their opportunity, the twins rushed over to Choco, and, before Graham could warn her, killed her too.

Realizing that they were the only ones left, Graham, Woody, and Flame decided that they needed to step up their game. Woody quickly turned into something that had one target spot for being killed – a mighty grizzly bear. As Flame made a ring of fire that came to be ten feet high around Chocolate Boy, the fear in Chocolate Boy’s eyes showed that he knew there was no way out. His clothes started to burn and when he had started to catch on fire, Flame extinguished it and Woody attacked him, biting him in the neck and killing him. Watching her own brother get killed right in front of her, Graham Cracker Girl let out a cry and also decided to step up her own game. She looked over and saw that Flame was standing with his back to her, celebrating his great victory with Woody. Rushing towards him, Woody pointed but it wasn’t soon enough. Jumping on Flame’s back, Graham Cracker Girl took hold of his head and snapped his neck with her immense strength. This battle had become a dangerous game between good and evil.

Graham and Woody looked at each other – they were the only ones left. They knew that they could win and eventually overpower Graham Cracker Girl. It was two against one. With a fire in her eyes, she rushed towards Graham; the only one left without powers. He saw it coming and fought back with all of his might, using every move that he had ever learned through the years. After about ten minutes of fighting, Woody saw it in his father’s face that he was starting to give up. Taking control, Woody turned into a deadly cobra and attacked Graham Cracker Girl. She let out a blood-curdling shriek as the poison started to rush through her veins. Becoming weaker and weaker by the second, she took out her bow and arrow and shot the snake square in the forehead, killing him in an instant. Looking around and seeing his family laying all around him, Graham gathered up enough energy for one final stand. Coming up behind her he kicked her in the back, causing her to fall upon her knees. Her eyelashes fluttered and then shut. Victory, Graham thought to himself. Turning away from the horrid scene in front of him, Graham started to walk away. All too suddenly, he felt a sting in his back and realized that Graham Cracker Girl had used her last glorious poison arrow to get victory for the murder of her beloved father. He fell to the ground as the world faded to nothing.

It was that moment when the Greek gods realized that Graham, the son of Zeus and Hera, had lost a great battle. They arrived on the scene together to see the still bodies of the Marshmallow family, Graham Cracker Girl, and Chocolate Boy lying on the ground. Spotting their son, they walked over to him. Calling to Artemis, Goddess of the Hunters, they asked her to make a constellation in the sky. This constellation was to be named Marshmallow Man because of their last name of Marshmallow and the knowledge that their man of a son had made the final stand. Placing his sons and wife in a square, they then placed Graham in the middle to show that he was the protective father star. They disposed of the bodies of Graham Cracker Girl and Chocolate Boy by turning them into trees in the park. To this very day, when you look into the sky, you can spot the stars of the Marshmallow family and know that they fought for their spot among the other constellations that we all know and love.


"2009 October « nuestra vida en princeton." nuestra vida en princeton. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Feb. 2010. .

Katlyn G.

If you look up in the summer sky at night you will see Fred the king and his piece of pizza. First, you have to find the big dipper. Then look directly up and you will see 3 stars in a row; King Fred’s fingers. After you find king Fred look directly west and you will see 3 dots in a triangle and that is his pizza that he is chasing. King Fred is holding 3 fingers up for 3 more pieces of pizza. The star on the left is the north star and it is pointing north. His middle finger is pizza star and that is named after the pizza that he is chasing, and the last star is the Fred star named after the king.

A long time ago in a land very far away lived a king with a wife and 2 children named Penelope and Peter. He loved his kids and he wanted them to have good food but there was one problem. His wife was really lazy and she wouldn’t cook, so he had to hire a cook to cook for his family. King Fred’s favorite food was pizza. His family hated pizza so his cook had to make 2 meals every day. He had his cook make him pizza for every meal and another meal for his family every day .

Then one day his cook became very ill. The doctor told her she had to rest and then she would get better. She was really tired and couldn’t work, but King Fred made her make his pizza anyway. He didn’t like any other pizza. The rest of his family wouldn’t eat pizza so she had to continue making 2 meals for every meal every day. She continued this for a month and she finally died from exhaustion.

He was devastated and went to find a new cook. He tried many cooks but none of them made as good of pizza a his first cook. The first cook he tried named Buddy pizza crust was hard, not warm and fluffy like his first cook. But buddy had really good sauce. The second cook he tried named Sue sauce tasted like catsup, but Sue’s crust was amazing. The last cook he tried named Larry was just bad. Then the king had a great idea. He would combine Buddy’s pizza sauce with Sue’s crust to make an even better pizza.

The next day, he had both of those cooks make him a new pizza. It was terrible. So, the king went to his bedroom to cry. “Nobody can make good pizza anymore” he groaned. Since he would only eat his first cooks pizza he didn’t eat anything else. He eventually died and his son took over the thrown.

Now there is a constellation placed in the sky to honor King Fred. There is a picture of King Fred in the sky chasing his pizza. You can always look up in the summer sky and see him. He will never stop trying to get his tasty pizza.


Warren, William. "ARRA News Service: Fat People Cause Global Warming & Get the Green Letter." ARRA News Service. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Feb. 2010. .

Norion the Bomb by Alex W

Once upon a time, there was a hunter named Orion. He was a very great hunter and killed enough animals for all of Athens to eat. No one ever went hungry and Orion was kind to everyone. If it weren’t for him, it is likely that everyone would have starved. Everyone was happy and believed that Orion was trained by Aretimis herself. However, as Orion hunted more and more, the animals started to disappear, and soon Orion couldn’t kill them anymore. Still, Orion knew that he must still hunt, and he must still kill. After all, he did it for himself, not to people.

At first, Orion ignored that thought, but the thirst for blood drove him crazy. Taking his bow, Orion dashed up the moutain above Greece. Orion aimed his bow and sniped a man walking back to his house. “Blood! Blood!” screamed Orion, and he jumped down the mountain and cut off the man’s head. Quickly, he took out his skull and put it in his hair. Before the rest of the Greeks could come, he ran back on top of the mountain and aimed his bow. After sniping five more Greeks, he leaped off the mountain and headed home.
Three Greeks came to investigate. Their names were Stupid, Random, and Collin Sternad. Collin had a very good sense of smell. He kneeled down, picked up an arrow, and sniffed it. “Arrow.” He growled. “Orion.”

The next day, Orion knew that he had to use a different weapon to kill the people or else they’d find out it was him. After three minutes of thinking, he invented the sniper rifle. Taking the gun, he watched as ten Greek soldiers marched in a line. Without hesitating, he sniped the soldier in the back, and laughed as they kept on marching forward. Starting from the back and moving to the front, he sniped all ten of the Greek soldiers. Suddenly, a huge army of 10,000 soldiers marched forward and dashed straight to the mountain. Quickly, Orion turned his sniper rifle into a machine gun and shot down all the soldiers.

“This is very bad.” The head of the militia said at the meeting that night. “Orion killed our entire army and there’s nothing we can do. We have to kill him at once. Should we pray for ten million hydras?”

“No.” said Collin Sternad. “We shall be using…The Bomb.” Around the room, everyone gasped, and Collin laughed.

The next day, the Greeks carried out Norion the Bomb. They set it on the top of the mountain and put horns on it. Silently, the Greeks sneaked away.
As Orion got to the top of the mountain, he saw Norion sitting there. “Who are you? What’s your name?” he asked. Norion started ticking. “Tick tick? That’s a funny name.” Orion said. “Prepare to die!” Orion raised his rifle and aimed it at the bomb. Suddenly, the bomb exploded and blew Orion into the sky. From then on, Norion's constellation always appears right next to that of Orion, always with him in the sky.


"Bush Bomb." Bush Bomb. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Feb. 2010.

Collin H.

Josh Smith has to be the most famous constellation ever to be found in the night sky. He is so easy to pick out since all of his stars that make him up are the brightest in the universe. Josh Smith is made of these stars to show how he reigns over all the NBA clusters. The stars that consist of him include Kobe, Lebron, Dwayne, Steve, Kevin the brightest stars in the NBA cluster.

Josh Smith can only be seen on clear nights with no cloud coverage. It is seen from our area in the Spring and Summer seasons. You can pick it out of the sky very easily since it is made up out of the brightest stars in the NBA cluster of stars.. You must first find Lebron, Then look to the right and see Dwayne and the other three stars are very near. The five stars that make up Josh Smith include Kevin, Dwayne, Steve, Kobe, and Lebron. These are the brightest stars in the entire NBA cluster that ultimately make up Josh Smith the god of the cluster.

There are many myths that go along with the Josh Smith constellation, but the most famous myth is the myth of the NBA championship run. Josh Smith and his team of the Atlanta Hawks were having a great season. At the end of the regular season they came in third in the Eastern Conference. This was a great spot for Josh’s team considering no one thought they would make the playoffs so they were a huge Cinderella story. Their first opponent was the Boston Celtics. They were very tough having the big three on their team. Their main threat is Kevin Garnett. He is a beast in the post. Before the first game Josh Smith made a speech that would be remembered forever. He said that no matter what happens tonight or the other possible seven games in the series I am so proud of this team and would never trade this season for anything. With that speech in their mind they went out and played their best game ever. Dropping 127 points on the number 1 defense in the league and holding them to only 90 points. They went on to smoke the Celtics the rest of the series sweeping them in four straight blow outs.

They next opponent on Josh Smiths’ calendar was the Miami Heat. The Heat were picked to win the NBA championship this year because they had a star guard named Dwayne Wade. Wade led the league in scoring and total assists, beating out Steve Nash for the best guard in the league award. Dwayne had a great supporting cast which included young players like Mario Chalmers and Michael Beasley. They were tough but Josh Smith knew their weakness and he knew how to exploit it at will. The first game was played in Miami so they hopped on the team plane and flew down to South Beach for a day. In the locker room Josh gave another amazing speech which sparked life into his already unconfident team. The Hawks came out hot scoring 20 unanswered points and looked like another win was in the bag. But no one in the building thought Wade would be able to answer the unstoppable beast within Josh Smith. Dwayne dropped 35 in 2 quarters crippling the Hawks defense from within. Driving, shooting, passing he was just unstoppable. The score was now 99-100 with the Hawks in the lead by only 1 with just 1 minute left in the game. Joe Johnson for the Hawks was bring the ball up the court trying to waste the twenty four seconds on the shot clock. He passed to Josh Smith who then drove the lane but DWAYNE stole it from him on his crossover Dwayne was running down the court with only 5 seconds left only down by 1. He was so close to his layup but out of nowhere Josh Smith came from behind and snatched the ball right out of the air just as the buzzer sounded. IT WAS AN AMAZING VICTORY FOR THE HAWKS no one thought they could pull it off but they did and they shocked the world that night. The Hawks went on to beat the Heat in 6 games pulling off a buzzer beater by Josh to win game six and take the series home back to Atlanta.

On the schedule next was the was the Cleveland Cavaliers with Lebron James the leader of the Eastern Conference scoring. He averaged 45 points per game. This was an amazing feat and he was having an all star season. The only problem with the Cavaliers was that it was only Lebron and no one else on their team could even make it to ten points per game. Josh Smith knew that Lebron would put up a huge fight to get to the Championship because all he was missing was a championship ring. But Lebron would not look ahead as he had to get past a hot Atlanta team in the Eastern Conference finals coming off a great series against the Heat. Since the Hawks were a higher seed they would get to play the first two games in the series at home. This was a huge advantage as the hawks had the largest fan support with over 50,000 people a night. The place got so loud when they were home. So you knew it was going to be a huge advantage. The day of the game Josh Smith made a change with his speech he didn’t just say how proud he was of his team he said he was proud of how much they worked hard and how they never gave up through this whole season and that he knew they could go out and beat the Cavaliers if they all worked together. Their team was pumped now and went out and won the series in four. All that they had to do to win was take out Lebron and they did just that. He only averaged 20 points a game in the series and the rest of the team couldn’t pick up the slack for him. The Hawks were so excited as they were going to the NBA championship to take on the Lakers.

The Lakers were the toughest team in the whole NBA they had the best record at 72-9 against the Hawks record of 57-24. All the sports casters were picking the Lakers in a landslide because they had the best guard in the game with Kobe Bryant. Kobe was near unstoppable. He only averaged 30 points per game but he also averaged 9 assists per game getting up there with some of the best point guards. Kobe was very cocky. He kept telling everyone that they would win the series in four games with him racking in eighty one points in the first game. This only added motivation to the underdog Hawks who were just waiting to get a crack at them. Josh Smith made sure to touch on that in the locker room before the first game. The first game was epic with both teams hitting their shots in the first quarter. The score after the first quarter 20-22 Hawks by two. Kobe was ticked all he had scored was 10 points way off his promise of eighty one points. Josh Smith made a promise to his team that he would take out Kobe and they needed to help pick up his slack from being guarded by the best defender in Kobe. In the first game Josh held Kobe to only 20 points and 2 assists. Every time he would try to get a fancy pass in BOOM Josh was going the other way. He was a defensive force helping down low to holding Pau Gasol to only 5 points. The Hawks had the momentum now and they went out and won the championship in just five games. And the only reason the Lakers won the fourth game was because Josh Smith got a hip pointer and was not able to play in that game. The HAWKS HAD CREATED THE BEST CINDERELLA STORY EVER TO BE SEEN IN ANY SPORT!!! It was the most amazing year ever by a team with a record below 60 wins ever.

Josh Smith was seen as a hero in the NBA. The NBA gods placed him in the sky and put all the other stars that had fallen to Josh. Including Kobe, Lebron, Kevin, Dwayne, and Steve. They all look up at Josh Smith after his amazing season with the Atlanta Hawks. Every day if you look up you can find him in the sky by looking for the five brightest stars ever. Josh Smith will be forever remembered as an amazing leader, and all around player to ever step on a wood floor.

"" N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Feb. 2010. .