Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Kyle K. Matt O. Andrew R ---Constellations---

Our group of Matt Andrew and Kyle found that the most interesting part would have to be the information about how constellitions werent discovered but invented. Many people would think that constellitions would have been discovered but after researching them more indepth we found out that they werent just stars and random pictures people though of today but much different.

"Constellation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Jan. 2010. .

"Constellations and Asterisms." Astronomy articles, forums, listings, and other resources about Astronomy.. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Jan. 2010.









  1. Great facts about constilations! How were they invented and by who? Great information otherwise. The video played very quietly so listen carefully.

    Joe Henderson

  2. I liekd the way that you talked in the story for a hearing aid. That helped me understand the constelations more. In the middle Andrew probbaly could have spoken a little louder though.

  3. Great job! I learned a lot about the constelations and y0ou presented great information. I think that there could have been a little more volume in the middle part but otherwise great job!

  4. Joe, we truly didnt find out who invented them because from the time they where there they where just there and people "discovered" them and never knew who invented. Like if a bunch of people figured out math they could just decide it was discovered.

  5. Good Job! There was a lot of information but I agree with Emily it could of had more volume in the middle.

  6. This was very informative, but it was also hard to hear in some parts. It would have been better if you talked louder.

  7. Great video with lots of details. I was wondering if you guys knew what the biggest constellation is?

  8. I enjoyed all the descriptions of ths constilations.

  9. Parker, I am almost positive that the biggest constellition is Hyrda the sea monster from Hercules.
    -Kyle K.

  10. Good job! That's interesting that planets were not discovered they were invented. Great information I really liked it.

  11. I like it:) good Job. It was very informational. Oh and good job to you and kyle I didn't hear matt at all

  12. Very nice guys. I loved all of the details and useful information. But, who invented the constellations and what were their personal reasons for it? Otherwise, great video.

  13. This is really good! I knew a good amount about some of the specific constellations, but you gave a great amount of information about everything. I learned a lot more from this video about constellations. But, how did someone just make a constellation? How did it become popular? Either way, good job guys!

  14. Great information! it was really easy to find the answers to the questions and I learned a lot about constellations. Great video!

  15. Nice video. I never knew about Orion and Ursa Major. Thanks for the information.

  16. Good job. There was lots of great information and you talking made it easier to answer the questions.

  17. After going to the planetarium and learning about the constellations, I thought I knew what I needed to know about them. Then, after seeing your video, I feel like I know everything about some of the constellations. You guys had great facts, your video was almost perfectly clear, and you had good visuals. Good job, guys! :)

  18. Nice job with the video guys. I learned a lot about Constellations. I never knew that they were created, heck, I didn't even know what they were. At some parts you guys needed to talk a tad louder but othrewise it was great.
