Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Austin, Sam Z, Joe B

The piece of information that we found the most fasinating was that Venus was the hottest planet.
The Reseach was very easy to find.

Meech, Mary Kay Hemenway and Karen J. "Section 2 Inner Planets." Hemenway, Mary Kay. Astronomy. Austin: Holt Rinhart and Winston, 2007. 4.

Venus." The Nine Planets Solar System Tour. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Jan. 2010.

Brain, Marshall. "HowStuffWorks "How the Mars Exploration Rovers Work"." Howstuffworks "Science". N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Jan. 2010. .

" Google Image Result for http://www.reinhardkargl.com/iBlog/photos2007/ig233-1-02.jpg." Google Images. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Jan. 2010. 3Fq%3DMars%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D20%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26sa%3DN%26start%3D40>.

"MM5 on Mars." Untitled Document. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Jan. 2010. .

"Miscellaneous Debris, November Edition « Screaming Blue Reviews." Screaming Blue Reviews. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Jan. 2010. .
Knight, Alison. "Hidden Histories: the Story of Sustainable Design, ProQuest Discovery Guides." CSA. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2010. .

" Marshall Space Flight Center hosts Earth Day event Tuesday | Space News from The Huntsville Times - al.com - al.com." Blogs - al.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2010.

Shana Ting Lipton’s Pop Psychic Blog » Mercury in Retro: The Power of it All." Los Angeles pop culture travel writer editor journalist Shana Ting Lipton. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2010. .

"The Inner Planets." ThinkQuest NYC. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2010. .
Uranus., motion of. "Mercury." Chris Mihos - Webhome. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2010.


  1. Great info,liked the movie. The movie was pretty quiet with the hedphones but otherwise great video.

    Joe Henderson

  2. I agree I loved the facts and all of the informacion like how hot Venus was.

  3. I never knew that Venus was that hot! wow! thanx for the info, but i agree wiht Joe that it was hard to head at times wiht the headphones.

  4. Great video. It was very long and that way I was able to get a lot of facts about the planets easily.

  5. Good job guy's, I can tell it took a while to make! I really liked all the information like how it takes mercury 59 days to rotate the sun. Great video1

  6. Good job. I didn't know how hot Venus was.

  7. Good Job Joe! oh and austin but yea sam didn't really do anything so yea. I liked it and it was very informational

  8. Great job(: Interesting facts about the inner planets! It was really good. DANG! I didn't realize venus was that hot.

  9. I didn't know that mars had the biggest valcano

  10. Really good facts guys. It must have took a long time to make this video.

  11. Amazing facts it made me actually really want to learn more. Great job. It was very informative.
    -Kyle Knutson

  12. You had all of the required information in this video, good job. It was easy to find the answers to all of the questions because they were so clearly stated in your video.

  13. Very good information! It was very easy to answer the questions because of all of the information. I feel that Sam could have been involved more but otherwise it was a great presentation! well done.

  14. This was really good because there was so much information. I could find every answer to the questions easily. I didn't think that Venus was the hottest because it isn't the closest to the Earth. Very good facts.

  15. Very good video and information. I lover the narraration. It helped alot. Great Job.

  16. You all did a great job when it comes to information about the inner planets. I enjoyed learning about mercury because it is my favorite planet. The narration was nice and loud to hear. Great job.

  17. Although I couldn't hear the narration clearly, the facts that you guys stated in this video were very very good. I was easily able to answer the questions using your video. Sammy could have been involved a little bit more since we don't know if she did the research and she didn't narrate, but otherwise, good job guys! :)
