Friday, January 15, 2010

David H, Teah A, Joe H - Astronauts and Astronomers

The most interesting piece of information that we found was that Buzz Aldrin is also a rapper along with an astraunaut. James Lovell was a part of Apollo 13 and came back becuase the oxygen tank eruptured and they were de-hydrated.
Our research process was that we found out some people on some missions that we knew, then we researched the other people in that same mission. Also we researched people that we already knew about but then found out more that we never knew about.\

"John Glenn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Jan. 2010. <>.
"John Glenn Biography." John and Annie Glenn Historic Site Home Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Jan. 2010. <>.
"Neil Armstrong." StarChild: A Learning Center for Young Astronomers. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Jan. 2010. <
"Buzz Aldrin Biography." Buzz Aldrin Welcome. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2010. <>.
"James A. Lovell, Jr.: Astronaut -" ENCHANTED LEARNING HOME PAGE. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2010. <http://www.enchantedlearning
"Famous Astronomers: Nicholas Copernicus." Oracle ThinkQuest Library . N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2010. <


  1. I like the info. I did not know who created the theory or just did not remember who thought of the earth revolving around the sun.

  2. It was very interesting to learn about when the astronauts were born. I
    was wondering which Apollo or other missions those astronauts were part

  3. I thought it was good but it was kind of hard to actually complete the questions for the astronomy webquest because there wasnt information on how they changed the space program. So a little more information and it would be good. ALSO was Buzz Aldrin on the same space ship on Neil Armstrong?
    -Kyle K.

  4. I thought it was a very good presentation that told us a lot about astronauts and who was famous in the space history.

  5. David did that kyle idk what he did

  6. Good information! I learned a lot about the different astronauts that were involved in space. Good job

  7. Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong were both on the Apollo 11. Also Neil Armstrong was in Germini 8. Then Buzz Aldrin was in Germini 12. John Glenn was on Friendship 7 that orbited the earth 3 times. James Lovell's mission are on the presentation.

  8. wow. I never knew that there were that many astronauts that were involved in space either. I thought it was cool that Buzz Aldrin actually hated homework and ended up becoming extremely succesful.Therefor I don't think we should ever ever get homework :)

  9. I lilked the video and how well you showed all the informacion on each of the astronots. And I never knew that Neil Armstrong graduated from Perdue.

  10. I really enjoyed looking through this because it gave a lot of information about every person. What did John Herschel Glenn Jr. do as an astronaut? What was he a famous astronaut for? Otherwise, great video.

  11. There were so many peolpe mentioned in the video, which I really enojyed. All of the information you came up with, such as loving astronomy, even though he (Buzz Aldrin) hated homework, was interesting. Great job!

  12. Andrew, i totally agree with you that we should not get homework. =D

  13. Sarah, John Glenn Jr. was on Friendship 7 and he was the first American to circle the Earth in a spacecraft.

  14. Good job! That was really interesting that Buzz hated homework. Knowing how successful he became! Great info.

  15. I never knew that most of these people existed and now i know. Thanks.

  16. I didn't know that there were so many people that were able to individually, or together, help the space program advance in so many ways. Interesting how Edwin Aldrin hated homework and would've have rather done football, and he ended up being one of the people that changed space. He could've been a football player!! Good information, guys. :)

  17. This was a great piece of information to learn about. I enjoyed learning about the differnt people involved in NASA. There were some people that I had already haeard of but it was still great to get to learn more about them. Great job!
