Thursday, January 21, 2010

Comets, Asteroids, and Meteors - Taylor, Cody, Cody

As a group we enjoyed doing this project because in the process of finding all the information we learned a lot that we didn't know and it was enjoyable. ALthough it was fun it was challegeing to find accurate information, but it was rewarding to finally finish and have a quaility video as a result.

Asteroid Introduction." Views of the Solar System. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Jan. 2010.

"Comet Introduction." Views of the Solar System. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Jan. 2010.
"In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood - Comets.html." The Center for Scientific Creation. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Jan. 2010.

"Meteor Shower, Meteor Showers, Meteor, Meteors, Asteroids, Comets And Meteors at" Learn More at From Satellites to Stars, NASA information, Astronomy, the Sun and the Planets, we have your information here.. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Jan. 2010.

"NASA - Comet." NASA - Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Jan. 2010.
"NASA - Meteor." NASA - Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Jan. 2010.>

"The beautiful Perseid showers « Whimsicaljottings." Whimsicaljottings. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Jan. 2010. .


  1. Great job! You guys had many interesting facts about comets. But what exactally does a "astronomical object" mean? Other than that great job(:

  2. I really liked how all of the pictures were placed perfectly and it all went together great. I liked that you went into detail about every piece of information, but I would like to know what an Astronomical Object is too.

  3. good job but the music was a little distracting

  4. Yea like katie, what exactally does a "astronomical object"?Then after that the video would be very good. Great otherwise.

    Joe Henderson

  5. I agree competely, some of the terms were confusing but overall I liked it.

  6. I agree with Katie, Joe, and Ariana. Your pictures were cool & I liked the music :)

  7. I liked the music very much. Also your video was very imformational. I never knew that meteors, meteorites and meteoroids were all different things

  8. I like all of the information and the video. But as Katie and Joe said "What does an astronimical object mean?"

  9. Great job guys, I really liked your video! You had many great fact like how a asteroid mass is 6.69 in kilometers! Again great video.

  10. an Astronomical object is just a fancy saying. IT means that the object is located in the astmosphere. So it could be any object as long as it's located in the atmosphere. And I know our music was beast.

  11. It was a very good animoto. The music fit in very nicely with the presentation. :)

  12. Great Job! I Never knew that a meteor, a meteorite and a Meteoriod were all different great information. The music was good but got a little boring but still great job.
    -Kyle Knutson

  13. The music was distracting but otherwise it was really good.

  14. Unlike some people, I loved the music! Also, I loved all of the detailed facts and important information provided. Although, did you mention what a meteorite was? I'm having trouble answering #14.

  15. I thought that you guys had some interesting information in your presentation, including the definitions of comets and asteroids. One thing I was having trouble with, though, was that you guys didn't really specifically tell what the difference between a meteor, a meteorite, and a meteoroid was. Other than that, good job guys! :)

  16. I liked the information it was very good and stright to the point the one thing I would have changed is that I think you should talk about more stuff on meteors.
    Joe Buschman

  17. This video was awesome! You gave so much information, and honestly, I didn't know there was a difference between meteors, meteoroids, and meteorites. Very well layed out, and easy to understand.

  18. good job. there was a lot of good information. and nice music (:

  19. Nice job guys! I thought that you did a nice job with the animoto. I liked learning about comets and how it looks like a tail on the back. The music was a addition too.
